Primary Awards

Primary School Certificate of Merit



Annalene Geater

For always trying her hardest in her learning. She brings joy and enthusiasm to the classroom, every morning.



Kate Neyland

Her kindness shines through in her words and actions. She shares joy and kindness to those around her, making her a friend to everyone.




Sophie Brooks

For being a respectful and caring member of Prep, who shows maturity in her interactions with others and in her willingness to help in the classroom.



Florence Carey

For displaying persistence and determination to improve her skills as a learner, resulting in her making significant gains with her reading.



Year 1

Isla Harris

For her perseverance and growing confidence towards her class work. She approaches every activity with a smile and a positive attitude.



Sheily Semage

For her positive work ethic and diligent work habits. It has been wonderful to see her confidence grow as she asks clarifying questions to improve her understanding.


Year 2

Olive Harris

For her focussed approach to learning, initiative shown in the classroom, and her gentle and kind nature when interacting with her friends.



Indyana Trost

For her love of learning, enthusiasm for tackling challenges, consistently producing work of an excellent standard along with her genuine kindness shown to her peers.


Year 3

Zara Brennan

For increased dedication to learning in Mathematics. Through hard work and perseverance, Zara has achieved impressive growth, consistently tackling challenges with a positive attitude.


Zoe Denby

For enthusiasm for learning and tireless work, consistently going above and beyond, always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow.



Year 4

Bonnie Lyon

For consistently demonstrating a positive attitude to learning, approaching challenges enthusiastically and being a supportive friend to all her peers.



Susanna Stevens

For always displaying a high level of focus and effort and showing kindness and encouragement toward others.



Year 5 Navy

Elise Hutchinson

For achieving excellent results across the curriculum, working collaboratively with others and being a reliable and responsible member of Year 5.



April Long

For being welcoming and courteous, consistent in her efforts in all areas of the curriculum and displaying class spirit of genuine care for other students.



Year 5 White

Kimberley Bartels

For showing a tremendous attitude in all areas of her schooling and her willingness to extend herself, showcasing excellent learning.



Evelyn Jeffrey

For her continuous acts of love, such as kindness, empathy and support, fostering stronger relationships among her peers.



Year 6 Navy

Charlotte Fitzpatrick

For her dedication to delivering high quality work and being a committed leader.



Asha Lagerewskij

For her unwavering commitment to excellence has set a standard that is truly commendable. Beyond her academic accomplishments, her kindness, compassion and considerate nature have le a lasting impact on those around her.


Year 6 White

Olivia Banks-Smith

For consistent excellence across a wide range of College activities, demonstrating outstanding learning behaviours, mature communication, and an openness to all learning opportunities.


Grace Fenton

For outstanding personal and social responsibility, demonstrating a conscientious application to all areas of College life, and a genuine care and concern for her peers that creates true community.


Mary Aikenhead Award

In embodying the Sisters of Charity, the Gospel values embraced by Mary Aikenhead were love, hope, compassion and justice. We encourage our students to reflect these values in their daily interactions. Students can be nominated by staff or community members. We acknowledge the following two students who actively display one or more of these virtues either by a single action or consistently.


Amali-Rose Daley

For the virtue of Compassion; She is a student who performs random acts of kindness towards others and is always helping classmates in and out of the classroom.  She is a friend that is always there supporting others who may be going through difficult times.  Always offering a listening ear and showing understanding.  This student not only lives the Gospel value of Compassion, she also embodies those of hope, love and justice, embraced by Mary Aikenhead. 

Amali-Rose was nominated by Mr Lowe and Ms Sluyters.



Isabella Fabrizio

For the virtue of Love; throughout the year this student has worked extremely hard in her role as Primary Leader to ensure the idea of being kind, compassionate, loving and supportive towards all members of the College community is spread.  She is always prepared to lend a hand to a peer in need.  Her willingness to give of herself and to go the extra mile no matter what is asked of her shows the virtue of love.  She not only lives the Gospel value of Love, she also embodies those of hope, compassion and justice, embraced by Mary Aikenhead.  Isabella was nominated by Mrs Fazackerley and Ms Sluyters.