Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ 

William Butler Yeats


To our fabulous parent/guardian community, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for a wonderful term. Your support, dedication, and enthusiasm has been instrumental in making it a huge success.   From your support and helping out with our extra-curricular programs we offer, to attending Learning Conversations last week or to just being that encouraging whisper or advisor to your daughter which makes the school day all so much easier.  Thank you all for your efforts and collaboration - I look forward to continuing this journey together.

Year 6 Canberra Trip 

Over the holidays, if at all possible, I encourage all students to take some time to do a couple of sleep overs just to allow an opportunity to be away from family - even if it is for just one night. In the past this recommendation has certainly helped those students who are starting to feel a little anxious about not being in their own beds when we are away

Whilst in Canberra the students will be wearing their summer dress and PE uniform for the majority of the trip. Over the term holidays and early Term 3, is a good opportunity to check the fitting and length of the summer dress, purchase another House or Representative Polo shirt and make sure the blazer is cleaned.

Change for Kinder Students At The End Of The Day

Our Kinder students have a huge advantage in already knowing where things are, they know what the ‘big girls’ look like and engage in play at recess and lunch with other members of the Early Year cohorts.


So that we can continue to make the transition from Kindergarten to Prep as smooth and positive as possible, the Kinder team has been making slight changes to routines.  One of these changes will be at the end of the day and as Kinder parents you are probably already aware as Ms Nicola Smith has been trialling this on a Wednesday through to Friday.  


From the start of Term 3, no matter what day your daughter attends, all Kinder students will leave the classroom at the end of the day and will play on the basketball court, like their friends in other grades.  As parents we ask that you do not wait at the Kinder door, but rather over towards the bench seating area. This gives you a great opportunity to mix and mingle with other parents and grandparents of our primary students, plus it will not unsettle our Kinder students at pack up time.  At the end of the day there are two staff members on duty as well as other Early Years staff around so your daughter will always be in their sight.


By doing small measures like this, we are hopeful that your daughter will begin to feel well-prepared and excited to start primary school, and you as parents will feel confident and informed about the transition.

Mid Year Reports 

Many years ago I spent a week working with Dylan William and ten years on he is still a significant figure in educational circles who is interested in the power of education, how it can change lives and how reporting can support this process.  


During my time working with him we explored the importance of feedback and how it should be timely, specific and actionable. Last week our Primary parents and guardians attended Learning Conversations and I thank you for your support of these. 


This afternoon you will receive the Mid Year Report and I ask that when you do read it please keep in mind the conversations you had last week and the discussion about what Terms 3 and 4 may look like.  Dylan William emphasises that school reports are more than just a summary of student performance; they provide valuable insights into students' strengths, areas for improvement, and overall progress. ‘They serve as a communication tool between teachers, students, and parents, helping to set realistic goals and expectations’. 

Mount Carmel Day Tomorrow

Mount Carmel Day is a celebration. It is the name that is given to our College, Mount Carmel College, and is so special to all staff and students – past and present.  The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which is also known as the Scapular Feast, is always celebrated on July 16 and honours her intercession and maternal care for all.  As we are on school holidays on the actual feast day, we will gather as a community tomorrow to celebrate.


What to Wear?

  • All students from ELC to Year 6 are to wear their full College tracksuit to and from school.
  • They can bring accessories linked to a favourite Story Book Character (ELC - Year 2) OR what they would wear or take to bed (Year 3 - 6).
  • Students will put their accessories on with their tracksuit after Mass and will take them off before heading home.

What is happening ?

  • The morning starts off with our Mount Carmel Day Mass in the Cahill Centre.
  • This is followed by our Primary Quiz and then a shared BBQ lunch and Staff v Year 10 Dodgeball game.
  • In the afternoon our Kinder - Year 6 will run their stalls for our Mini MCC Fair with all proceeds going to Mara House. All classes have been preparing something to sell at the MCC Mini Fair and students are asked to bring no more than $5 in coins (if possible) in a clear zip-lock bag with their name clearly marked on it and give it to their classroom teacher. It will be handed back to them in time to "go shopping".

A Few Reminders

Now that we are at the end of Term 2 please use the holidays to check with your daughter about what supplies she may have run out and need restocking. Needing to search for a glue stick or a pen or pencil or not having enough exercise books causes disruption and sometimes does not allow the teacher to teach right from the start of the lesson.  

The holidays are also a good time to locate that missing tie, ensure that the length of the winter dress or skirt (especially in Years 5 and 6) is correct and the lost jumper has been found.

Fruit Break

Across the Primary all classes have a fruit break at approximately 10:00am.  During this time students in Years 2 - 6 do not stop learning but consume some fruit or vegetables whilst working on the task at hand.  

This time is made easier if the fruit or vegetables are packed separately so that at the start of the day students can just grab it out of their bag and have it on the desk. 

As Term 2 progressed, this process has been problematic and students in some classes have not had fruit and/or vegetables and grabbing chips and biscuits - which is not allowed.  I recognise that fruit is expensive but a simple apple (not even cut up) or a mandarin would more than suffice.  


Eloise Turner in Year 6 White has been working very hard in her classical ballet classes and recently achieved her goal of passing her pointe assessment.  This assessment is one of the hardest pointe assessments in the world and to achieve such success on her first try is an outstanding result.  In the holidays Eloise is heading to Melbourne with her teacher for a professional fitting for her first pointe shoes.  We congratulate Eloise on a remarkable achievement.