College Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Friday 5 July

Mount Carmel Day

Hobart Dance Eisteddfod

Term 2 concludes

Monday 22 July

Student Free Day

Staff Professional Learning - Insight Day

Tuesday 23 JulyTerm 3 commences for all students
Thursday 25 July

Warrane Breakfast Program

ELC and Kinder Nature Play

Secondary Learning Conferences: 3:40pm - 6:30pm

Friday 26 JulyPrep Nature Play
Monday 29 JulyYr 9/10 Legal Studies excursion
Tuesday 30 JulySecondary Learning Conferences: 3:40pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 31 JulyOutdoor Ed Camp
Thursday 1 August

Outdoor Ed Camp

Warrane Breakfast Program

College Assembly

Yr 9/10 Legal Studies excursion

Friday 2 August

Outdoor Ed Camp

Year 1 Nature Play

Secondary Swimming Trials: 7:15pm, Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre

Uniform Shop

The College Uniform Shop will not open over the term break, however orders can still be placed via the Qkr app and will be fullfilled and taken to the College Office for collection when Term Three resumes. 

College Calendar and Social Media

You can add the College calendar to either the calendar on your mobile device or to your own Google calendar. To do this, visit the College website and click on either the + Google Calendar  button or iCalendar link at the bottom right of the calendar. Keep up-to-date with College news from our social media accounts  - Facebook and Instagram.

Enrolment Withdrawals from Mount Carmel College

A reminder to families that if they wish to withdraw their child(ren) from Mount Carmel College they are required to give ten (10) school weeks notice. This does not include school holiday weeks. Families must provide the College with written notice of their decision to cancel their child's/children's enrolment. 

Where notice of ten school weeks is not provided, full tuition fees may need to be paid to the College for the number of school weeks where notice was not provided. This includes withdrawal prior to the start of the school year. 

For more information, please contact or the College Office on 6216 7900.