Dave Wierenga

Primary NAIDOC Week Gathering

On Tuesday, the Kinder to Year 6 classes gathered together for an early NAIDOC Week celebration. This year's theme was "Keep the Fire Burning!" Students gathered in multi-age groups around "campfires" in the Hall to build connections with each other by share stories and adding their voices to a fight for justice and rights for First Nations people. 

Mirroring the Uluru Statement from the Heart, students wrote down commitments to using their Voice for positive change, thought about the meaning of Treaty, the promises they could make to act with justice, and the brave act of honestly speaking the Truth to make others lives better. They also listened to songs with the common message of using Voice and Action to make change for good, such as Mitch Tambo's Gamilaraay language rendition of "You're the Voice" and Kev Carmody's classic "From Little Things, Big Things Grow" about Gurindji leader Vincent Lingiari's decade-long fight for land rights. 


Finally, students added their own decorated "flames" to the fires to symbolise their commitment to "Keep the Fire Burning!" The "campfires" have now been gifted to all Primary classes to remind us that no matter how young or old we are, we can all use our voices to keep the conversation about justice and rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people going. We encourage you all to join us as we "Keep the Fire Burning!"

For NAIDOC Week activities we continue to immerse ourselves in nature and learning from nature.

Last week we gathered some clay from the creek at Lambert Park and have used it to paint Australian animals designs.