A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
A hearty congratulations to everyone on a wonderful semester of learning. The reports reflected the wonderful achievements of the students and I hope that all parents have had the opportunity to review the reports and share them with your children. It is a joy to visit classrooms and see the work the children are engaged in. They are all very proud of their achievements and happily share the tasks they have been working on. In Term 3 the teachers will set up phone interviews to discuss your child's progress and goals for Semester Two.
Much gratitude to everyone who organised and particiated in the Cadbury Chocolate and Lolly Drive. We raised almost $3000 towards upgrading the classrooms. We have already replaced many of the tables in Year 2 and have just had frosted film added to some of our glass room divider doors. We look forward to further improving our learning environments.
We are all excited about the upcoming holiday break. At this cooler time of year a chance to rest and restore is very important. Please have a safe and restful break and we look forward to a wonderful, exciting term of learning. Maintaining reading practice over the holidays is a great way to keep children entertained and improves their learning. Holidays are also a great time to take up a passion project or learn a new skill or game. Whatever you do these holidays, I hope you enjoy every day.
In Term 3 we will have a number of celebrations. St Martha's Feast Day will be celebrated on Tuesday 30th July. Parents will have a number of opportunities to join us during the day, including the Feast Day Mass in the afternoon. Please pop the date in your calendar. We will celebrate Book Week with a Parade on Monday 19th August and Fathers' Day Breakfast and Prayer on Wednesday 28th August. We hope that many parents will be able to join us for these celebrations. We are also planning a concert for all of our Amadeus ensemble groups. The date is yet to be confirmed, but tentatively keep 6th September at 2pm in your calendar.
Peace and Best Wishes
Carolyn Parsel