Learning and Teaching

Korean Cultural Exchange Program
Over the next term or so, the Year 5 and 6 Learning Community will be participating in a cultural exchange with a school in Korea. The classes had their first session last week and it was enjoyed by everyone.
Jackson. P’s Korean Cultural Exchange Reflection
On Wednesday 5th June, 5/6L & some of 5/6R experienced a Google meet with Daegu Jungri Elementary School in South Korea. It was a joyful experience seeing a school outside of our country and learning about the differences in passions and uniforms as Daegu Jungri Elementary didn't have one. The Korean students cared about different things such as what games they played, mobile games over computer or console games but one thing we all liked was KFC!
Before the meeting started, we made signs to tell them our names and one thing we liked. Afterwards, we showed them a presentation about our school life and what we do after school. Ada and Jax showed them the presentation. The Korean students really liked seeing our school and we got to learn about their school. We saw photos of their school (based on what we saw the school was gigantic!)
After the presentation, we did a Q&A so we could ask more questions with the class. Some of the questions were “What’s your favorite Australian food” or something like “ Do you play Fortnite?”... In fact some of them did play a lot of computer games!
For the next step after this, we will get a pen pal with one of the students and write letters, though it would be fun to go and see them and their school in person. It was a lovely chance to learn about a different language and culture.
Elena G’s Korean Cultural exchange Reflection
On Wednesday 5th June, my class (5/6L) & some of 5/6R joined a Google meet with Daegu Jungri Elementary, an international school in South Korea.
The Korean students introduced themselves first and then CCK students introduced themselves, 4-5 students at a time. It was my row’s turn and I was actually nervous. The funniest thing happened! When I went up to the camera I introduced myself and then they started calling me a pretty girl and I started blushing.
In the meeting, we learned that they don’t wear a school uniform, they like KFC and badminton, and they start school at 8:00am and finish at 2:20pm!
Once everyone was done, we did some reflections. Overall it was a thrilling experience and I can't wait to see them again! (There was a girl in a pink outfit and I really liked her because we had a lot in common. I hope she is my pen pal, though I sadly forgot her name😔.)
Deborah Courtney
Director of Learning and Teaching