Mental Health And Wellbeing

GEM - Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness


The focus for this week is Mindfulness. Working on mindfulness gives us opportunities to develop our ability to pay attention to the present moment and our thoughts. Practising mindfulness daily can help us stay focused on set tasks and reduce stress and anxiety.



Whole Family Activity:

Mindful Walk

  • As a family, go on a walk outside in nature. This might be around your local walking track, at your local park or just around your streets.
  • While walking, tune into your senses and observe what you can see, hear and feel. Or you might choose to focus on one of the senses. Eg: Hear: what are all the noises you can hear on your walk?
  • On your way home or when you return home, share what each person saw, heard or felt.

Family Habit Builder:

Each night at dinner, ask everyone to take one mouthful of food more mindfully than the rest and think about the flavours they can taste and how it makes them feel. (They can also thank the chef!).



Hugh, from the Resilience Project, has put together a podcast which is all about how perfectly imperfect we all are. Constantly comparing ourselves to others can not only be exhausting, but extremely harmful. However, when we share our struggles, we start to realise that everyone, no matter how successful, has something they are battling with.



Fiona Sewell

Assistant Principal