From the Principal

Hi everyone


As I’m writing this final newsletter for the term, I’m reflecting on all the opportunities our students have enjoyed over the past ten weeks. Here are just some of the highlights of term 2.

  • Year 5 and 6 Interschool sports teams have been incredibly successful with 8 of our teams qualifying for Bentleigh District Finals Day and 4 of those teams finishing in the top position of their respective sports. (Football, the girls and mixed tennis teams, mixed A and mixed B netball teams, girls and mixed soccer teams and the mixed B sof crosse team). Congratulations to our students and their coaches for the training and teamwork that led to these achievements. 
  • Secondary School Transition Experiences 
  • Anxiety workshops for parents, teachers and students
  • Cross Country- a new format where parents were able to enjoy watching the race held in Boyd Park. Congratulations to Harry B and Mathias B for making it to Regional level.
  • Mothers’ Day stall where students enjoyed shopping while the mum’s loved their night out organised by the School Council Social and Fundraising team. 
  • Year 6 Market Day- where year 6 students marketed and sold goods or services to the rest of the school as part of their economics unit. (Funds raised for the Year 6 graduation).
  • A whole week of STEM based activities for ‘Education Week’. Thankyou Mr Johnson for organising and parents who shared their expertise.
  • Japanese Sister School Video exchanges (Mogami District).
  • Colour Run – a brilliant fundraising effort from our school community and thank you to Miss Avery for the organisation. 



Half-yearly reports will be uploaded onto the Compass portal next Wednesday 26 June after 3:30pm. The reports indicate the student’s key achievements in the various learning areas and identifies the literacy and numeracy skills where an improvement focus will continue in the second semester. 

For our prep parents and any new parents to the school, you can find your child’s progress report on Compass. 

We’ve attached an instructional brochure for your perusal.






The final school tour for Term 2 will take place this Friday June 21 at 9:30am.

If you have a child starting school in 2025, can you please collect an application form from the office and return it by the commencement of Term 3.  




Each year, parents are invited to make voluntary contributions to the school’s Building Fund and to the Library Fund. 

These contributions make a huge difference to the school budget and allow us to plan for and carry out improvements. The School Council Facilities Committee is currently reviewing ways we can increase shade in the school.

Contributions to the Building and Library Funds are fully tax deductible and a receipt will be issued. 

Please feel free to phone the school to check the status of your contributions. 




Next Wednesday (26 June at 7:30pm) we’ll be holding an information session on WebEx for students and their families who are interested in snow sports. This year will be our third year of submitting a team for the Interschool Snow Sports Competition which will be held this year from 19 to 21 August

WebEx details will be posted on Compass this week and the session will provide opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Geoff Lake (one of our dads) who is our School Coordinator. 

For more information, please read the ‘Snow Sports’ page further in this newsletter and visit




The final day of each term is dedicated to raising funds for a charity by wearing casual clothes in exchange for a gold coin donation. This term, funds will go to State Schools Relief who provide support for disadvantaged Victorian school students. 


Next Friday, 28 June is our final day of term 2 with school finishing at the earlier time of 2:30pm. 

(We’ll have a very short assembly commencing at 2:00pm). 

TheirCare will operate from this earlier time so if your child needs supervision please contact them to make a booking. You might also like to book your child into their Holiday program as Theircare have planned a terrific range of excursions and activities.  Don't forget to book in for Curriculum Day on Monday 15 July if needed. 


Our MPS staff would like to thank our wonderful school community for your positive contributions and support throughout the term. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday and look forward to seeing you again when Term 3 commences on Tuesday 16 July


Chellee Plumb