Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

We trust you all enjoyed the long weekend.

As a result of the shorter week and this week's rain, things have been relatively quiet in the playground.  After several days of wet socks and muddy shoes, yesterday's return of sunshine, was a welcome relief and, after today's cold chill, we are hopeful that there will be more to come!  


Over recent weeks, we have noticed a number of students out of school uniform.  Families needing spare items, especially for winter, are reminded that in addition to new items, we also have a good range of secondhand uniform available, particularly in the smaller sizes.  The wet weather is also a reminder for families to please pack a change of clothes, including socks and shoes. Gumboots are also a great option at this time of year.


Our building works are getting ever closer to being finished.  The flooring is in and the cabinetry is in the process of being fitted. 

Next week, we are expecting to have some more concreting works completed along with the fitout of the acoustic ceilings.  At this rate, it won't be long before we can start the big move!

This week, students enjoyed the opportunity to get back into library.  Many thanks again to Megan, Nicole and our parent volunteers for helping to get this up and running.  Our new improved library is looking fantastic!


Our lunchtime netball competition is well underway, and I would like to thank Kathryn for all her time with managing this.  Well done to all players, in the three teams, on their positive sportsmanship and support of each other. Kathryn has been particularly impressed by the leadership shown and encouragement within the team of the younger players.  Each week there are two games and this week's games were 2v3 and 2v1.  Both proved to be exciting games, and demonstrated the skills students have been developing over the weeks of practice matches. Next week, team 3 will play both teams 1 and 2.  The netball final will be held in the last week of term, and more details will be provided next week.


Tomorrow, we will be holding our Friday morning assembly in the undercover area. Familes are invited to join us, with this week's presentation being given by the year 4/5 class.


Next Thursday, we are celebrating World Music Day, with performances, from each class. Families are invited to join us at 1pm, in the undercover area.  The performances will include singing from P-2, ukulele with the 3/4s and chair drumming with 4/5 and 5/6.  We hope to see you there.

On Friday, 21st June, the celebrations will continue,  with a special SRC dress up day - 'Come dressed as your favourite Musician'!


In September, students in Years 3 & 4 will travel to Melbourne for a 2 night Urban Camp. Thanks to AGL, we have been able to subsidise the travel component of this camp, to offset the cost the to families.  To finalise costs, we now need to confirm numbers for this event.  A jot form has been sent home to families today. Please complete this before Monday. Confirmed prices and consent forms will be sent out next week. 


CSEF applications will close on June 28th.  Please see the link below for the form and the criteria requirements. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

school camps or trips swimming and school-organised sport programs, outdoor education programs, excursions and incursions graduations.  Please hand your form in to the Office.