Senior School Report

What is happening in Senior School
Key Dates:
Thursday 18 July - Subject Awards Assembly
Monday 22 July - 2025, VCE Year 11-12 (Current Year 10 and Year 11 students) Information Night and Subject Selections 6pm
Tuesday 23 July - Athletics Day
Friday 26 July - Year 10 Careers Expo
Monday 29 July - 2025, Year 9 and Year 10 (Current Year 8 and Year 9 students) Information Night and Subject Selections
Wednesday 31 July - 2025, Year 11 Course Counselling Parent/Student 1-6pm (Required)
Thursday 1 August - 2025, Year 12 Course Counselling Parent/Student
Friday 2 August - 2025, Year 10 Course Counselling – Parent/Student (Required for all advanced placement students)
Tuesday 6 August - Subject selections are due
School Captains Report
What an exciting term it has been. We have had many opportunities to develop our knowledge and skills.
Year 10 and Year 11 students have been out experiencing what university life would be like, with a trip to Deakin University and Monash University.
VCE-Vocational Major students, have been working tirelessly to open the canteen. We started small and hoping to grow the business in Term 3.
Our Year 10 and Year 11students have just finished sitting the mid-year exams, and the Year 12 students have just sat the GAT.
We are very excited what Term 3 has to offer!
Loren Watson
Year 10 Work Experience
Scoresby Secondary College’s Work Experience Program is a valuable opportunity for students to explore career options, and develop employability skills, maturity and self-confidence.
Our Year 10 students completed work experience on Friday 28 June, in a range of industries including Dept of Energy, Environment & Climate Action, University of Melbourne, Bunnings, Salvation Army, local primary schools and plenty more exciting industries.
Ms Michelle de Boer was lucky enough to visit Addi Jones at Yellingbow, who was in the middle of working with Helmeted Honeyeaters, Jaxson Thomas at a very busy Salvation Army store, learning the interesting operations behind the scenes, and Ben Hennig, who was in the middle of helping run a P.E. lesson with a Foundation (Preppies) class of students.
Feedback from the employers has been outstanding. We are extremely proud of our students and can’t wait to hear all about their experiences when students return from school holidays.
Monash University Visit
Students in Year 11 were provided the opportunity to visit Monash University. The students were very excited to learn about possible future education and employment opportunities.
Quotes from students about Monash excursion
“Loved how big the place was and to see the different opportunities I might get”
“The tour of Monash Uni was great as it gave us some insight into what our lives will be like in a couple of years.”
Zach B
“Seeing the possible career opportunities to potentially study after school”
“I really liked how their campus was really big, filled with multiple types of food shops and other stores. This encourages me to explore and venture new areas. I also like the double degree system helping us by decreasing the amount of year we need to study.”
“There was a lot of information given about the university so there was nothing we missed out on. The tour guides/student ambassadors knew exactly what they were talking about and were very clear with their information. They were ready to answer any question they were presented with. They had planned all the tours out vey well and were very organised, ensuring all groups got the full experience and ended up in the same place without clashing and bumping into each other.”
“The presenters were really interesting and passionate about their fields and covered in depth each course/bachelor’s degree. They covered all alternative pathways and was able to explain different assistance we can get when applying for courses.”
Andrew Fuller: Tips and ideas to support your VCE student in this year like no other!
Navigating VCE can be very difficult at times. See the below article by Andrew Fuller who provides information how you can support your child to do their best throughout VCE.
Mrs Michelle de Boer
Head of Senior School
A Day in the Life of a University Student
Recently the Year 10 cohort went on a tour at Deakin University.
The first thing we noticed when we arrived was how big the campus was; we were amazed to find out thousands of students study there!
A lot of us had never been to a university before, so we started the day with a presentation that gave us a general idea of what university was like, and different pathways to get there.
Next, we were taken on a tour of the campus by two people who were university students themselves, making the tour more insightful as they had been in our position only a few years ago.
It was interesting to see all the resources the students had, especially seeing the moot court, media rooms and sports equipment.
After that we had free time to have lunch at one of their on-site cafes and wander around to see anything we hadn’t seen on the tour.
It was a really useful experience for many of us who hadn’t started thinking about what we wanted to do after Year 12, and it was great to see the opportunities we have in our futures.
Addi Jones