General Office

General Information
Office Hours
Our General Office is open Monday Thursday from 8:30am - 4pm and Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm.
Our office will be closed for the term break but please leave us a message if needed.
24 Hour Absence Hotline
If you or your student is going to be late to school or absent for the day please contact our 24 hour Absence Hotline and leave us a message, 9765-4100, select option 2.
Please support this absence with either a note or Medical Certificate (particularly if you are a studying a VCE subject)
Subway Lunches
Subway lunches are available each Thursday unless otherwise notified.
All orders are to be done online ONLY.
Please see attached flyers for all your orders.
Orders MUST be in by 3:00 pm WEDNESDAY night for delivery on a Thursday.
First Aid Course
On Wednesday 12 June a few staff undertook an update of their First Aid.
We all participated in CPR training, general First Aid training, Anaphylaxis and Asthma training.
This was a two part course with a 2 hour online session and a 2 hour face to face session.
Mrs Evie Popas
Mrs Michele Rogers