Principal's Report

As we conclude Semester 1 and celebrate student achievement throughout the first half of our school year, reports are available for students, parents and carers to view on Compass.
Families of students who will receive Semester 1 Academic and Academic Endeavour awards will have received an invitation to the awards ceremony that will be held on Thursday 18th of July.
This week, our Year 10 students have sampled the world of work through work experience placement at a myriad of work places, with most Year 10 teachers visiting to share the experience with students. Many reporting that our students are holding themselves in good stead with very positive feedback from their supervisors.
Our VET Music and Sport and Recreation students have had the opportunity to showcase their skills with many of our students, along with those from neighbouring government and independent schools, provided with the opportunity to showcase their skills at the VET concert, and on the sporting grounds.
Our Year 7 students have explored "our place in space" and presented their findings at Swinburne University yesterday, whilst our Year 12 students have explored various universities and what they have to offer for the next phase of their lifelong learning journey.
As I write this article, our Year 12 students are engaged in the Knox schools English exam preparation workshop, along with students from our neighbouring secondary schools.
College Council subcommittees have held their first meetings and discussed a vast range of topics with student voice and agency being at the fore. During semester 2, after further meetings and discussions, subcommittees will present suggestions to council for consideration. I invite you to participate in these subcommittees, please contact the school, should you wish to do so.
Our Art staff have been working with local primary schools through collaborative Arts projects and will present awards to primary school students early next term, as their creations as well as those of our Year 7 students were very impressive.
Our Year 8 high achieving students have been heavily engaged with a 10 week Victorian High Achievers Program, with extension and support programs being a key focus as we prepare for learning throughout semester 2.
I thank the students and staff for their engagement in the recent learning activities within and beyond the classroom mentioned above, along with the array of other learning events that have taken place throughout this semester.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Acting Principal