Student Services

Doctors in Secondary Schools (DISS)
We are one of a few schools across the state to have access to a wonderful initiative (DISS) where any student of our college who would like to see a General Practitioner (GP) or nurse at the college is permitted to book an appointment.
The Doctors in Secondary Schools program is a free and confidential service requiring only a Medicare card details.
Students can make an appointment to see the doctor by:
Going to see Head of Sub School (Mr Daniel Croft or Ms Michelle De Boer), Student Service Leader (Mrs Louise West) in the Student Services office or Mrs Michele Rogers (Admin/First) or email
7 Actions for self -improvement
There are 7 actions we can take to improve our moods, build resilience, and boost our mental wellbeing.
These are:
1. Get healthy. Being active and eating well is good for your mind and body.
2. Keep learning. Learning new things can be fun and boost confidence.
3. Show kindness. Practising small acts of kindness, volunteering time, or simply helping a friend in need can help you feel more satisfied with life.
4. Connect. Spending time with other people is important to everyone’s mental wellbeing.
5. Take notice. Paying more attention to the present and the world around you can help you relieve stress and enjoy the moment.
6. Embrace nature. Connecting with the outdoors and taking care of the planet is the best recipe for world wellbeing.
7. Good sleep habits. Go to bed at the same time each night.
- The body has an internal clock and hormones that control sleepiness and wakefulness.
- This clock works best if there is a regular sleep routine. In the hour before going to bed, it is important to have a relaxing sleep routine. •
- Turn off all screens (e.g., computers, smartphones) 1-2 hours prior to bed, and if possible, not have them in the bedroom.
- Find all this and more at
We wish you all a safe and happy holiday we look forward to seeing you back healthy, happy and motivated in term 3.
Please check out the links below to download further information.
Mrs Louise West
Mrs Tahlia Pastor
Ms Alicia Alpuim
Wellbeing Team