
History News
Our Year 10 students have concluded a successful semester of History, learning about World War II (Pacific and European Theatre of War).
A highlight of the course was a visit from Australian Army Veteran Nathan Allen.
Students were captivated by Nathan’s retelling of his experience of conflict in Afghanistan, and could draw comparisons between Nathan’s service and that of the soldiers involved in battle in WWII.
A student voice survey at the conclusion of the course indicated students preferred to learn about the Pacific theatre of WWII due to Australia’s involvement in that conflict.
Students also unanimously reported that having studied WWII, they believe war is a waste of human life, and is never the answer to human conflict.
Ms Kathryn Watt
History and English Teacher
This year, the students studying Chinese have been actively broadening their understanding of Chinese culture and enhancing their communication skills through a variety of engaging activities.
In Year 7, students have been mastering the basics of the Chinese language, including numbers, dates, and ages. Alongside this, they have been exploring Chinese legends and cultural icons, which have provided a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of China.
Year 8 students have been expanding their descriptive language skills, focusing on body parts, adjectives, clothing items, and colours.
To apply their learning creatively, they designed and made Chinese Beijing Opera face masks, incorporating their knowledge of descriptive vocabulary.
Additionally, Year 8 students have been describing cartoon figures in Chinese, and working on introducing Chinese legends to Australian audiences.
Year 9 students have been developing their skills in describing locations and giving directions. Their major project involves reading a profile of a Chinese family and designing an ideal house plan to meet the family's needs, culminating in a presentation where students showcase their house plans and persuade their audience of their design's suitability.
Overall, our students from Year 7 to Year 9 have made impressive strides in their Chinese language journey. They have demonstrated enthusiasm and dedication in their studies and have gained a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture. Jiayou!加油!
Mr Patrick Dempsey
Chinese Teacher