Sports and Community
SSATIS Secondary Boys Soccer
Calling for expressions of interest for Term 3.
SSATIS rosters are FREE for secondary students to participate in.
They require only a short-term commitment (1 term).
Gr 7/8 Boys Soccer: Wednesdays 4:15pm
Gr 9/10 Boys Soccer: Thursdays 4:15pm
Note: Teams must have an adult who is willing to attend games and score for the team.
To express your interest, or to find out more information, please email:
SSATIS Secondary Girls Basketball
Calling for expressions of interest for Term 3.
SCC is a member of the Southern Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools.
SSATIS rosters are an excellent opportunity for students to have a taste of sports that they may have never tried before.
- SSATIS rosters and carnivals are FREE for secondary students to participate in.
- They require only a short-term commitment (1 term).
Gr 7/8 Basketball: Mondays 4:15pm
Gr 9/10 Basketball: Wednesdays 4:15pm
Note: Teams must have an adult who is willing to attend games and score for the team.
To express your interest, or to find out more information, please email:
You are invited to a Tale of Two Cities...
Featuring Southern Christian College Year 11 Drama students; Angus Richardson, Edmund Griffiths, Ana Johnston and Jonah Gorman.
Admission is free and you can reserve seating by scanning the QR code.