Student Achievement Awards - 17th June

Year LevelStudentDescription

For your persistant effort to work as a team and help others. During our positional language game 'in and out', you made sure to that no one was left out, demonstrating sportsmanship and kindness. 


Well done Colin on your writing this week. You used your sound mat and stretched out unknown words to write detailed sentences about your pet rock. You included finger spaces and made sure your words sat on the solid line. Keep up the great work!


Well done Lachlan for your dedication and hard work this semester. Your work on creating and drawing patterns to repeat 3 times was excellent! The way you could break up your pattern to explain where the repeat starts was clear and well delivered. Keep it up!


Ashton, great work with your sharing into groups. You listened carefully, made the correct number of groups and equally shared the counters between them. You were able to clearly explain what you had done and answer questions about the number in each group.


Well done Olivia on an excellent week in Reading. You correctly unjumbled a persuasive text and then you labelled each paragraph to show your understanding of text structure. You also highlighted the persuasive language while reading the text. Awesome work, Olivia!  


Congratulations on your efforts in Writing this week Henry. You have worked through the writing process to create a wonderful persuasive text on why Indonesia is the best holiday destination. You have clearly stated your opinion and supported it with three different reasons. You have also used rhetorical questions, persuasive language and have acted on feedback from your teacher-conference. Well done!  


Well done, Alannah, for your dedication and hard work this semester in Year 3. Your initiative in writing a poem about your family's culture is truly commendable. It's impressive how you took the extra step to research at home, ensuring that your poems about East Timor and Hong Kong were accurate and meaningful. Keep up the fantastic work!


Congratulations Lily on a fantastic week in Writing. You drafted detailed instructions that are specific and well thought out to create a procedural text about 'How to do pottery.' You have included a range of action verbs and adverbs to ensure that your procedure is precise and easy to follow. Amazing work Lily!


Congratulations Bruce on the fantastic work ethic you have developed this Term. Thank you for assisting your classmates when they needed a helping hand. Well done Bruce! 


Congratulations Gareth on a great week as a super learner. You have listened carefully to teacher instructions and if unsure you have shown the independence to ask the teacher for help. Keep up the great effort.


Congratulations Levi for demonstrating excellent speaking and listening skills during our first Socratic session. You were able to add to build on the ideas of others and supported your viewpoint with examples and statistics. Well done and keep it up!


Congratulations Ada on a terrific start to Socratic sessions! You were thoughtful with your responses and added value to the group discussion on volunteering and why we should help the elderly. Keep up the great work Ada!


Congratulations Adria on the dedication you display towards your learning. It is a pleasure to see you always complete class work to an excellent standard. You are a Super Star!


Congratulations Shuban on your thoughtful contributions to our Socratic discussion about volunteering. Your research showed that you had a range of ideas and could explain the impact volunteering and gratitude could have on a person's life.