From the Library & Diary Dates

From the Library
Last Friday all Issue 4 LOOP Bookclub orders were distributed to classrooms for students to take home & read over the school holidays. Enjoy!
New library furniture has been installed in the new library building this week and the shelves & books have also been moved ready for Term 3. Thank you to Mrs Oliver & her team of Year 6 helpers for all their hard work.
Happy holiday reading & I look forward to working & sharing the new library with everyone next term.
Happy reading!
Ms Robinson
Diary Dates
For all diary/event dates please click here to go to our website calendar.
27th - Last day of Term 2 for students, students finish at 3.30pm
28th - Pupil Free Day - moving into the new building
15th - First Day of Term 3
15th - Year 5/6 Swimming commences
26th - Soccer Gala Day
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 - Tuesday 30th January - Thursday 28th March
Term 2 - Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4 - Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December
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