Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The 7/8’s have had a great end of Term 2! Students have finished learning about our Inquiry Topic: “Civics & Citizenship”. Students have enjoyed learning about the three levels of government- Federal, State & Local and their individual responsibilities.
Students enjoyed going to Hoyts in Watergardens to see “Inside Out 2” as a part of their PBIS reward for their hard work in Term 2.
Well done on a fantastic term, 7/8’s!
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
This fortnight our school had our Winter Fete which was a great success! Our classes each ran their own stalls which included home made wraps, pumpkin soup and garlic bread, the school raffle, selling home made bath bombs, a Find the Prize game and a Dollar a Donut stand! The students did an amazing job linking our work experience skills, and communication skills! Great work!
Some of our year 10s took a tour last week of possible SBAT and VET courses to prepare them for next year.
This week will be our last Café for the Term and it has been fantastic! Our Marketing team has been working on making Feedback Forms and we have been getting great feedback from our staff! Great work to all the 9/10s on their hard work this Term! We are all looking forward to our new menu for next term!
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
We have had a wonderful time learning to be independent and resilient this term. Well done team!