Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
Prep B have had an amazing Term 2!
We have learnt all about being a good friend through our inquiry into friendships. This included making a friendship flower and learning how to play group games. In Reading and Writing we have been learning how to retell what we are reading. This has included threading images of our story in sequence and building towers to replicate our story. We explored addition and subtraction through play. Prep B have explored chance through flipping coins and playing bingo. We have loved learning to play imaginatively with Janine in our Play sessions. In GMP with Jack Prep B has been building our motor skills. In STEM with Kieran Prep B has learnt about coding robots, like Sphero and Beebot. In Art sessions we have created artworks based on books. In Performing Arts with Nikki Prep B have let their inner performer out through singing, dress ups, and exploring instruments. Well done Prep B!
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
Term 2 is coming to an end soon. Our 3/4 students participated in the school Winter Fete, which was a great opportunity for them to practice using money by selling and buying their favorite items from the stalls. With all assessments completed, we spent the remaining time reviewing our lessons. We also had the opportunity to practice kindness and inclusivity with our friends, making school a happy place for everyone.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Upper Primary students had a wonderful time at the Winter Fete. They spent the week preparing for the event, making signs, games to play and preparing the items to sell in each store. On the day, students worked at their stall, selling items they prepared, receiving money and giving change. They all had time to look at the stalls and make purchases. Some students also enjoyed looking at a fire engine and having a turn at the fire hose. It was a fun day for all!
Primary Students of the Week