School News 

Rocket Cars 

Our Year 4 students participated in a very exciting Rocket Car Excursion!

They got a little wet but I’m sure they will all agree it was worth it. Our under cover area was full of laughter and cheers all day as each student had their turn to launch their rocket car.


Accessing Reports on CONNECT

Student's School Reports have been out on CONNECT. Please see the picture below on how to find student reports on CONNECT.


Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC)



The PEAC Program provides part-time extension and enrichment for exceptionally able students in Years 5 and 6.


PEAC offers a range of courses that provide identified students with work that is intellectually challenging.


All Year 4 students in public schools across Western Australia will have the opportunity to be assessed for suitability for the PEAC Program.


Testing for all Year 4 students will occur on Tuesday 30th July.


The scores from the test will be used in the selection of students for PEAC courses and the school’s BRACE program in 2025.


If you do not wish your child to be included in the PEAC Testing, please email


If you require more information about the PEAC test, please contact your child’s teacher.

Apply now to enrol your child in 2025

Application for new enrolments in the 2025 school year is now open and should be made by Friday 19th July 2024. Enrolment Application forms can be found on our website or collected from School Reception. 


You will need to apply to enrol for 2025 if:

  • Your child is starting Kindergarten in 2025 (Born 1st July 2020 - 30th June 2021)
  • If your child, is already attending the Burrendah Primary School Kindergarten in 2024 and you live outside the school intake boundary, you will need to re-enrol your child for Pre-primary 2025.

All other children do not need to enrol. We assume all our students are coming back to Burrendah in 2025, unless we are informed otherwise. Please inform Reception, by email at if your children will not be attending Burrendah Primary School in 2025.


Parents of our Year 6 students must enrol their child into a secondary school. Please ensure you have enrolled your child at their local secondary school by the end of this term.

Willetton Dental Therapy Centre (DTC) 

We would like to inform you that Willetton Dental Therapy Centre (DTC) will be closed during both weeks of the school holidays.


Emergency dental treatment is available in between 8am to 4pm at:

Bannister Creek DTC  (01/07-11/07)     9451 1761

Excelsior DTC                 (12/07)                 9256 4170




Mt Henry Dental Clinic @ 43 Mt Henry Road, Salter Point

Phone: 9313 055 (between 8:15am & 4:30pm) Monday to Friday.


For an after-hours emergency, don't hesitate to contact 1800 098 818 or your local private dental practitioner.