School Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy plays a key role in supporting schools to provide additional support. As part of our ongoing commitment to support our staff, students and community, we are fortunate to have two School Chaplains; Ms Juanita Tong and Mrs Louise Parish who provide non-judgmental care. 


Our Chaplains pride themselves on being approachable and proactive role models in the school community.  Ms Tong is available on Tuesdays and Mrs Parish works on Fridays. 


    Juanita Tong     


Louise Parish


What do our School Chaplains do?

Chaplains provide specialised care for students, staff, and families, helping to create a positive and safe school environment and looking out for those in need.


Our School Chaplains work within the school as a caring support team member to:

  • support the social, emotional and well being of the school community by offering pastoral care;
  • providing support for a range of day to day matters affecting the school community; 
  • providing students, their families and staff with support and or appropriate referrals, in difficult situations such as during times of grief or when students are facing person or emotional challenges;
  • providing a link between schools, other professional services and local communities;
  • supporting students and staff to create an environment which promotes the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development and wellbeing of all students;
  • being a mentor;
  • participate in classroom activities at the invitation of the teacher;

Referrals and Support

 If you would like to refer your child for Chaplaincy support, please complete the Request for School Chaplaincy Support form and return it to Reception.


The School Chaplain or the SAER Coordinator will then contact your regarding your request.  Please note, that some wait times may apply.


For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school

 on 9266 6200.