
A message from Early Stage 1

What a big term Kindergarten has had so far! We have really enjoyed travelling on a bus to the Gymnastics Centre each Friday and are very sad that our last session is this week! Kindergarten students are very excited to start home reading this week. Please see below for more information. 


We are learning to:

  • hear and say the sounds /k/, /u/, /b/ and /j/
  • write the letters ‘k’, ‘u’, ‘b’ and ‘j’ using the correct formation 
  • read and spell words using the sounds we have learnt
  • read tricky words: has, look, one, his, her
  • identify nouns as words that name a person, place or thing
  • identify nouns in a text 
  • use taught vocabulary in our writing 


We are learning to:

  • discover all the ways to make 10
  • say teen numbers are 10 and some more.
  • Identify that  length is the measure from end to end from one point to another
  • Understand that the length of an object remains the same even when it is in a different position or location
  • indirectly compare the length of two objects.

Integrated Learning

We are learning to:

  • explore different kinds of weather
  • examine the rotation of the Earth and investigate how this makes night and day
  • examine seasonal changes and explore how these changes impact their lives. investigate different materials that protect against the weather

Personal Development and Health (PDH)

We are learning to:

  • resolve conflict with a friend and how to respond to hurt feelings and misunderstandings
  • respond to intentionally cruel, rude, or mean behaviour with a Quick Comeback

Visual Arts

We are learning to:

  • explore different techniques and materials artists use to achieve a certain effect
  • follow a set of instructions to create a drawing 

Home Reading

Home reading will commence this week. Readers or a ‘sounds and words’ page will be sent home in the home reading folder you have already provided. We also sent home a ‘how to help my child with reading’ at the end of last week. Not only is it important to listen to your child while they are reading, it is just as important for you to read to them and enjoy this one-on-one time. Taking a few minutes to help your child read through the ‘tricky’ words will also help their learning at school. 


Please return your child’s reader every Friday. New readers/sounds and words pages will be sent home on the following Monday.


Remember that we are here to help and if you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher. 


Please remember to keep your child home if they are sick. Your child will require a medical certificate if they are absent for three or more consecutive days.


Save the dates

100 Days in Kindergarten Celebration - Term 3 Week 2 Monday 29 July (more details will be provided closer to the date)  


Puppet Show - Term 3 Week 2 Friday 2nd August 

Heidi Gray, Kate Frizell, Sonya Rogers, Fiona Clayton and Eliza Tanner

Early Stage 1 Teachers