Whole School News

Parents Gather Informally On WhatsApp
Over the last 12 months, some parents in the school have created a number of WhatsApp groups for different year levels and other interest groups at RPS. With the updated functionality of WhatsApp, the groups have been combined together to form a WhatsApp School Community. In the last 6 months this has grown into a flourishing hub, which provides another method of connection between families.
The aim of the RPS WhatsApp Community is to informally connect parents and carers; to form and strengthen relationships; and provide support to each other. We aim to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all. With over 160 parents and carers already part of it, all parents and carers are invited to join this RPS WhatsApp community.
Once you join, you will be able to search for your child's class year level and join any other special interest groups as well.
This is a parent led initiative. It is not specifically endorsed by Rosanna Primary School, the School Council or FORPS.
For more info you can contact Jackie on 0413-218-761 or Lee on 0404-100-863
Please join via the link below or by scanning the QR code. We can't wait to see you there.
Big Group Hug Needs Kids Coats!
Big Group Hug has run out of coats for local kids in need. Until the end of term please leave at Reception any kids size 2 to kids size 16 coats. Any winter clothes will be gratefully accepted, but they desperately need coats.
Thank you!
School Photo Catch Up
Students Of The Week
Congratulations To Our Leaders Of Learning!!
Term 2 - Week 10
Prep K -
Prep S - Flynn P
1/2P - Lewis A
1/2K - Jemima Y
1/2S - Hadia M
1/2W - Alex F
2/3W - Muhsin A
3/4B - Remy K and Mae S
3/4R - Patrick D
3/4T - Kai J and Jaidee L
4/5H - Whole class
5/6D - Whole class
5/6C - Whole class
5/6A - Whole class and Ted R
House Cup
Term 2 - Week 10 Winner - Red Waratah !!!!!
Red Waratah - 7 Points
Green Grevillea - 4 Points
Blue Gum - 3 Points
Golden Wattle - 2 Points