Term 2 - Week 9

Welcome to Week 9,


Term 2 is rapidly approaching the finish line, which also marks the halfway mark of the year. The speed with which our days turn into weeks and weeks into terms is why we must be incredibly focused in our approach to learning. Structures have to be tight and consistent to ensure we are utilising every moment, to set our children up for a ‘literate and numerate hope filled future’.


At St Nicholas School I am particularly proud of our culture which ensures structures and processes remain relentless until 3pm on the last day of each term. Not only do our students thrive on structure, they deserve high quality learning and teaching every day they are at school.


Tomorrow our students have the opportunity to enjoy themselves as we promote an active and healthy lifestyle through our annual Athletics Carnival. Some may set records, though all our children have the opportunity to shine. My thanks to Mrs Tyrrell and her band of helpers for coordinating a wonderful day for our students. Thank you also to our parents who are volunteering at the carnival - ensuring the carnival's success.


This week we are wrapping up our formal Student Led Learning Conferences. The conferences are one component in the reporting process for this semester. On Monday, through the Compass portal, parents will receive the second component - a written 5 scale student report. 


Our Conferences are designed to showcase what our students have learnt so far this year and identify areas of future focus. The Semester Report measures your students' achievement against curriculum outcomes, providing parents with a snapshot of where their child’s development sits against the skills and content covered.


An enormous thank you to our parents who have engaged in this semester's reporting process, highlighting to your child your commitment to their education.


Have a great week,


John Clery
