The Year 12 IB students were super busy last week, completing their Chemistry IA (Internal Assessment) experiments.
This work started last year, when each student researched a chemistry field they are interested in, generated a research question and designed an experimental method.
We also ran two pilot sessions, where the students tested their method, did a lot of trouble shooting and modified their experiment.
Finally, after extensive planning, testing, modifying and refining, they ran their experiments over two full days in the Chemistry laboratory last week. 13 periods of practical work - not an easy task!!
We had a variety of experiments:
James: Electroplating of Copper
Luka: Analysis of iodised salt
Connor and Adelle: Analysis on antacids
Gracie: Analysis of iron tablets
Cloe': Analysis of Paracetamol tablets
Zoe: Analysis of calcium levels in different milk brands
Vitia: Vitamin C in strawberries
Isabel: Rates of reactions between aluminum foil and an alkali solution
Mikaela: Analysis of Vitamin C tablets
Allegra: Formation of spheres in acidic and alkali solutions
Isla: Effectiveness of soap in different water samples
Jessie: pigment extraction from flowers under different pH solutions
Mikey: Analysis of the pickling process
Our students demonstrated creativity, critical thinking and resilience at every stage of this long, demanding process. Well Done!!
Finally, a special THANK YOU to our lab technician, Catherine Brulez-Marion, for her dedication and hard work with this project. We couldn't do it without you !!
Anat Kiviti-Manor
Science Teacher