What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | James -For always trying your best when completing your learning tasks this week. Thank you James for being a wonderful example to everyone in Foundation LW of how to be a focused learner. You are a STAR! |
FAP | Giselle -For having a positive attitude towards all her learning. You should be very proud of your hard work, glorious Giselle! |
FAM | Marc -For your amazing writing efforts! You have been sounding out words, recording initial sounds and using the word wall. Keep it up Marc! |
1/2VS | Abigail -For showing courage and persistence when engaging in all learning tasks! Keep up the wonderful effort Abby! You are a star! |
1/2VK | Daniel -For demonstrating enthusiasm and positivity towards your learning especially in your reading! Well done and keep it up! |
1/2VB | Mia -For always treating everyone with kindness. Your empathy is a wonderful strength. Never change! |
3/4BP | Darius -For being a curious researcher when gathering information on Captain James Cook for his biography text and sharing his knowledge with his peers. Dazzling Darius! |
3/4SH | Sebastian -For being a brilliant thinker, director and self-manager this week. You're a star, well done Seb! Thomas -For his exceptional effort in writing his James Cook biography. Keep up the great work, Thomas! |
5/6OS | Olivia -For being a proactive learner who always does her best and takes on feedback to develop her understanding of tasks. Legendary Liv! |
FLW | Sienna -For making positive choices throughout the week by Listening to the Speaker and Following Directions. Great effort Sienna! |
FAP | Amara -For being an excellent thinker when sorting your animals into their different features. You did a fantastic job at putting your animals into a graph. Amazing Amara! |
FAM | Leo -For demonstrating enthusiasm and courage in all that you do! You engage your learning each day with a smile and a positive attitude. Well done Leo, and keep it up! |
1/2VS | Sienna -For being a persistent problem solver when developing new strategies in addition and subtraction. A wonderful effort, keep it up Sienna! |
1/2VK | Sophie -For demonstrating your love of learning each day. You tackle each task with determination and a curious mind. Keep it up, shining Sophie! |
1/2VB | Liam -For writing a sizzling start that truly engages the reader! Onomatopoeia, humour and dialogue - you've got it all. What wonderful work! |
3/4BP | Emma -For solving subtraction problems using the build to ten strategy. You are a super mathematician! |
5/6OS | Monte -For being a polite and respectful member of our community who sets a positive example for his peers and always strives to complete all his learning to a high standard. Magic Monte! |
5/6BZ | Jack -For being a persistent learner when rereading and taking on feedback for your information text about Italy. Amazing work Jack! Zita -For being a curious researcher when finding out about Clownfish when writing your information text. Fabulous learning Zita! |
5/6MC | Xena -For consistently being a stand out student in 5/6MC. You have been completing your work to a high standard and taking on responsibilities that make you a great role model to others. Well done Xena! Christian -For being a focused learner, asking for help when needed and applying that feedback to your work. You have been trying your hardest and it is great to see. Congratulations Christian! |
Maths | Amber -For her amazing work with the 2nd Olympiad, achieving a perfect score of 5/5. Congratulations Amber Matthew -For your super work with take away problems. You are nailing the count back strategy. Well done Matthew |
Literacy | Micah - For writing an informative text titled ‘Can you bare these bear facts?’ sharing his knowledge, research and information conveying ideas and information clearly. Well done Micah! |
What a busy week it has been in Foundation!
Last Thursday afternoon, our families came to see Discovery Time in action during our Celebration of Learning. We had time and opportunity to showcase some of the stations we have been engaging in, which include a Measurement station, book making, construction and a cafe. We also have stations linked to our Inquiry, where we are exploring Sea Creatures, Life Cycle and Wild Animals.
In Discovery Time, we have been developing our skills as communicators and collaborators. We are also beginning to learn about being a researcher. As collaborators, we are learning to share, take turns and come up with a plan when engaging in pairs or groups. As communicators, our focus is on listening respectfully to each other, sharing what we are doing and showing our thinking and learning in different ways, such as writing, drawing and labelling. As researchers, we are finding out how to use non-fiction books and merge cubes to explore different Living Things.
There were lots of smiles and laughter as we proudly demonstrated all of our amazing skills. Discovery Time is not just play, it is an opportunity to problem solve, create, work with our peers, plan and explore things we are curious about! We loved having all of our families join us, and look forward to the next Celebration of Learning.
As mathematicians, we tuned into the mathematical concept of Time. We are focusing on the duration of time, which includes naming and ordering different times of the day, such as morning, lunchtime, afternoon, evening and night. We are connecting different activities to these times. We are also identifying the days of the week and sequencing these. As thinkers, we are naming things we do on different days, such as Art on a Tuesday, STEM on a Friday and swimming lessons on a Saturday.
Please practise naming and discussing the different times of the day and the days of the week at home!
This week Foundation AM will be attending Mass with 5/6MC on Tuesday 18th June at 9:15am. If possible, you are invited to join us. We would love to see you there!
Please remember to encourage your child to return their library books and bags by Thursday each week, so that new books can be borrowed each Friday. We also ask the students and families to continue to bring in non perishable items for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. A basket is placed in each of the Foundation learning spaces, ready to receive your donations. Looking forward to another fabulous week of learning in Foundation!
Kind regards,
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
There has been a palpable buzz this week after our Celebration of Learning. It was amazing to have our parents in our Learning Space to engage in Discovery with us. We were thrilled to share our thoughts, wonderings, and discoveries.
We look forward to inviting our parents back for the student-led conversations next week to showcase more of our work.
Through Discovery Learning sessions, we have had the ability to engage in different learning that stems from our wonderings and discoveries. We have constructed and created. We have made and played, collaborating with our peers and making connections to the broader world.
-We are building an underwater bridge. (Anthony- Construction Station)
-We need to make the bridge stable and cover any gaps. (Daniel- Construction Station)
-These teeth are short and these teeth are long. It looks similar to a dinosaur's face. I think it’s a dinosaur. (Sam- Animal Station)
-I wonder if this is a shell or a piece of coral? (Vivienne- Art Station)
-I’m going to fill up the whole string with beads. (Liam- Maths Station)
As readers and writers, we continue to explore and use picture story books as mentor texts to identify the features of a narrative while also continuing to develop our narratives. We have used sizzling starts and different language devices to engage the reader. Many of us are now up to editing and publishing our stories, just like real authors! Some of us have even begun to add blurbs and summaries.
As members of a faith community, we have read different versions of ‘The Coming of the Holy Spirit’ and engaged in thinking routines such as a see-think-wonder, which has allowed us to explore the meaning of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit, in particular the imagery and importance of symbolism. Moreover, we will delve into the gifts of confirmation and how we can represent these in our daily lives.
This is a reminder that we look forward to celebrating Festa Italiana this Thursday, June 20th, and donning Italian-themed clothing. We can’t wait to participate in the wonderful activities that Senora Rosa has planned for us. Parents, you are welcome to join us for the parade, which will begin at 9:00a.m., and then stay and look at your children's Italian learning in their spaces.
Please remind your children to bring their library books back so they can borrow new books before the holidays begin.
We look forward to another fantastic week ahead.
Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
1/2 Team
YEAR 3/4
As mathematicians, we have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects with their key features and properties. This week, we created models of shapes using playdough and matchsticks. We presented our models in our very own class museum. Thank you Mrs Monaghan for being our museum curator!
As innovators, we have been very busy in our STEM lessons recently with Mr Frazzetto. Tasked with creating a prototype to make a difference in our community. We have been building and collaborating in our teams to build our prototypes. Watch this space!
As athletes, we have been participating in our Grade 3/4 soccer clinics run by the Sporting Schools Government Funding. Our program has been designed by Football Australia’s technical and youth development teams and focuses on making the sport fun, engaging and physical activity for all. During our clinics, we will learn movement skills, teamwork, coordination and skills that will help us to ‘Play for Life’. We had a blast and can’t wait for next week!
Congratulations to 3/4SH for organising the assembly last Friday. The whole class did a wonderful job at speaking. Well done!
Upcoming Events
Year 3/4 Celebration of Learning will be held on Monday 17 June from 3pm to 4pm. We can’t wait to celebrate our learning with you!
3/4BP and FAM will be attending class Mass at 9am on Tuesday 18 June - please join us!
Student Conversations will be held on Wednesday 19 June from 10am onwards. We can’t wait to share our learning with you!
We can’t wait to see all of your Italian costumes for Italian Day on Thursday 20 June!
Have a lovely week!
Year 3/4 Teachers,
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
We have had a wonderful week busy with all sorts of learning opportunities!
In STEM this week, we were learning about the states of matter, Solid, Liquid and Gas.
As a way of finding out we used ourselves to unpack what each state would look like under a microscope. Students then engaged in a Lego Education Spike learning where they built a fan to create a breeze that will blow over a paper tower.
As mathematical thinkers, we have been exploring subtraction and how we can rename using the expanded form. We then moved on to subtracting decimal numbers. As part of home learning students have been asked to engage in completing some subtraction sums of their own using renaming to support them in solving the problem. It would be great if you could ask them to share with you how they complete this!
As inquirers, we have been busy working towards our going further phase of our inquiry learning. This is where children have been put in small groups and have been given a topic of an event that has occurred that has impacted Australia today. We are thankful for those who attended the Celebration of Learning on Tuesday. We had such a wonderful time hosting everyone in the SLA, we thank the Foundation, 1/2 and 3/4s for coming by and learning about our inquiry. Thank you to the parents who were able to make it during our celebration!
We look forward to sharing our learning with you during our student led conversations on Wednesday!
Have a wonderful week,
The Year 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut