Student Wellbeing 

Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas:  Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, Classroom Climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention

The Resilience Project (TRP) 

The Resilience Project (TRP) at St Fidelis is a comprehensive school wellbeing program, emphasising positive mental health across classrooms and the community. Known for its engaging and practical approach, TRP employs evidence-based lessons to enhance student wellbeing and mental health.


TRP teaches three core principles: Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness, fostering these qualities among students. Additionally, the program prioritises emotional literacy, helping students identify and articulate their emotions while equipping them with effective tools and strategies to support their mental wellbeing.


Here are some of the students' learning and photos of their work in their learning journals.

James-FLW - likes to learn about his friends and what he likes about them. He likes to play hopscotch with Jack.

Patrica FLW -Liked learning about being a friend. She likes to hold Minnie’s hand.

Leo-FAM -His favourite part is drawing about his friends.

Audrey-FAM -Her favourite lesson is drawing about what she likes to wear.

Francesca FAP -Likes to do mindful colouring during TRP lessons.

Thomas FAP -Likes to draw in his journal about what he has learnt during the TRP lessons.

Sofia 1/2VK -I liked learning about different points of views.

Liam 1/2VB -In TRP I have been learning about what I am grateful for.

Hugo 1/2 VS -In TRP I have been learning about Gratitude and gratefulness.

Jeevan 3/4BP -My favourite TRP lesson is about mood changes because I work through them till I feel better.

Eponine 3/4BP -In TRP we have been learning about our Superhero and the character strengths they have.

Madelen 3/4SH -My favourite TRP session was writing about what empathy is and we also go to draw a picture about what it is.

Joseph-5/6BZ -I learned about gratitude and I wrote a newspaper article about being empathetic to others.