Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

Lord Jesus, 

may the example of St. Vincent de Paul 

inspire us to be generous of hearts and hand to the needy. 

May our generosity flow from humble gratitude 

for your many gifts to us, 

rather than from false pride in our own abilities.    


St Vinnies Winter Appeal:

The St Vinnies Winter Appeal provides food and clothing for people who are experiencing difficulty in their lives.  Each year as a school community, we come together to donate to this worthy cause.  Thank you to families who have already donated to the St Vinnies winter appeal. Please continue to donate as every little bit matters.  


As a school community we have extended the due date from Friday the 21st of June to Friday the 28th of June.  All donations will be accepted until the last day of term. Your kind donations will assist those in need. 

The Sacrament of Eucharist:

This year, our Year 4 children will be celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist on Saturday the 3rd of August at 6.00pm at St Fidelis church. In preparation for this sacrament, there will be an online Eucharist workshop facilitated by Maria Forde on Thursday the 18th of July at 7.00pm. 

Celebrating Grandparents Day Mass:

All grandparents, parents and special people in our lives are invited to attend Grandparents Mass, to be celebrated on Friday the 26th of July at 9.15am.  

Class Mass:

This Tuesday the 18th of June at 9.15am, 3/4BP and FAM will be attending mass.  We invite parents and carers to attend this special celebration.


God Bless and have a great week,

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader