Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 10 Term 2

Dear Parents and Carers, 


It's hard to believe we are approaching the end of the term.  We have many families who are going on overseas holidays in the next few weeks and months. Please remember to send an email to the office and your child's teacher letting us know your child will be on extended leave.


Classroom helpers and volunteers are a valued part of learning at St Fidelis.  Research has demonstrated that parent/family involvement in the educational process positively impacts the social, emotional and academic learning of students. 


All our classroom helpers and volunteers are required to attend an induction session which has been provided over the term. One of the most important messages during those sessions is that of CONFIDENTIALITY.


Please read the following as a reminder of responsibility of parents when attending as a helper or volunteer:

  • Operate within professional standards and confidentiality. Classroom helpers are in a position of trust and should not discuss with other parents, adults or children, any personal information about students, staff or other classroom helpers learnt whilst involved in school programs. 
  • If a child should happen to disclose information of a delicate or personal nature to you and you are concerned, it is important that you inform the teacher immediately and then keep this information confidential.
  • The privacy of both parents and children must be respected at all times.
  • Discuss observations with the teacher ONLY.
  • Respect the privacy of children and parents, avoid mentioning the names or learning needs of students in front of their own child/children or other parents.
  • Be aware that children can be hurt by harmless remarks from their peers and adults.

Italian Day Thursday June 20 

We are excited to remind you about our upcoming Italian Day at St Fidelis.  Please have your children dress up in Italian-themed outfits for this special occasion. Throughout the day, they will participate in a dress up parade, fun Italian activities and attend an engaging Italian performance. We look forward to celebrating and learning about Italian culture together!

Chess Club

Today's chess club incursion was a great success! The students had a lot of fun and learned new skills. We are excited to announce an after-school chess program starting in Term 3. The chess club will take place on Thursdays afterschool, from 3:30pm-4:15pm  in the STEM Space. In order for the Chess club to run we require a minimum of 10 students.  

Parents and Friends Meeting: TOMORROW Tuesday June 18, 7:00pm, Staffroom

We warmly invite all new and existing parents to our final P&F meeting of the term. Everyone is welcome, and we encourage you to bring a plate to share as we celebrate the end of the term together.  

School Reports & Parent/Student/Teacher Conversation

School reports  will be made available to you today and Parent/Teacher/Student learning conversation will be held on Wednesday June 18 commencing at 1:00pm (with the exception of Year 3/4 which will begin a little earlier). 


School will finish at 1:00pm on this day. THEIRCARE will be available for any families requiring supervision for that afternoon. Please contact THEIRCARE directly.  https://theircare.com.au/

Bike Riders Safety Concerns

It's wonderful to see so many children staying healthy and active by riding their bikes to school. However, we have a few safety concerns to address:

  1. Crossing Usage: Please remind your children to use the school crossings in Hawthorn street and Saunders street when crossing the street with their bikes.
  2. Car Park Safety: Encourage your child to avoid spending time in the church car park after school and to head straight home.

Thank you for helping us keep our students safe.

School Fees 2024: Installment Two due this Friday 21 June

Thank you to all the families who have partially or fully paid their school fees. As mentioned previously the school has paid for all of your children's stationary upfront and prompt payment would be most appreciated. The office is open from 8:30 to 4:00 pm each day if you would like to pay in person. 


If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  


Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:083 347
ACCOUNT:65 603 6380
REF:  Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO:  St Fidelis Primary School

Please note, once you have made a payment, email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au  with the amount you have deposited.


Have a great week everyone,

Kind regards,
