Student of the Week

Term 2 Week 11
Adam O - Congratulations Adam, what a great term you have had. Foundation D are so lucky to have such a bright, bubbly and super smiley classmate like you! You have been working so hard this term and should be proud of your efforts. You are a reading rockstar and your love for learning is infectious. I can’t wait to see all that you achieve next term!
Alex W - Congratulations Alex, you are such a thoughtful, kind and helpful member of Foundation J. You always know when and how to help others and cheer them up. We are so lucky to have your humour and kindness in our classroom. Well done, legend!
Darcy R - For being a sentence superstar. You are doing a wonderful job at giving your sentence writing a go each week and your sounding out is wonderful to witness!
Ned M - For being an all-round champion! Congratulations Ned - you are such a gem to have in 1M. You are always the first to lend a hand and help your friends. Keep being your kind, thoughtful self!
Ned M - Congratulations Ned! I have been so impressed with the incredible effort you have shown throughout the week. You have set an example that has had a positive impact on others. Well done!
Maggie H - Congratulations to Maggie, our Student of the Week! Maggie has consistently tried her best in every task and never gives up, even when things get tricky. Her positive attitude towards learning is truly amazing, and I am so proud of her determination and perseverance. Keep up the fantastic work, Maggie!
Nina B - For an outstanding Semester 1. The effort you put into your work has not gone unnoticed. And the kindness you show to your peers and teachers daily is admired and appreciated by all. Keep being the amazing person that you are, Nina. Congratulations!
Kennedy H - Well done for a semester of fantastic work, Kennedy! You have demonstrated persistence when completing challenging learning tasks and always have a positive attitude when trying new things. Keep up the amazing effort!
Ashal L - For being such a delightful member of 3/4A this year. The class has been lucky to have such a kind and positive friend and we will miss you! All the best at your new school, Ashal.
Josie B-B - For your tenacity and determination when approaching all tasks this semester.
Kaleb D - Thank you for using your initiative to help your peers this week!
Levi M - For your outstanding work ethic and conscientious effort during class. 3/4M are lucky to have a positive role model like you in their class. Well done, Levi.
Kit D-W - Kit, your sustainable house design was fantastic! You cleverly applied so many creative features. Keep up the great work!
Elena S - Elena, what a fantastic term of learning you have had. Your work in maths this week has been particularly impressive. The mini golf course you designed was a standout project, showcasing not only your mathematical skills but also your ability to think creatively and innovatively. You should be incredibly proud of your hard work and commitment. Keep up the fantastic work, Elena!
Leon P - For your exceptional mini golf presented poster, your attention to detail was outstanding. Leon, you have produced some amazing pieces of work of late, both in Maths and Writing! Keep up the great work!
Sebastian M-H - He’s chill, he’s relaxed, he’s sharp, he’s got hair like a web. He’s talented, he’s kind, he’s improving, he’s Seb! Well done on some amazing improvement, especially in Lit Circles, Seb!
Mackenzie B - Your ability to work in team and include others has been awesome this year and it’s been great to see your confidence shine through when presenting in front of your peers! Well done Kenzie!
Taneer L - Taneer, sadly today, we bid you farewell. As you move interstate, know that you're taking a piece of our school and class's heart with you. Your maturity, kindness, intelligence, hard work, and thoughtfulness were like having a superhero in our midst (minus the cape!). Good luck on your next adventures — may your new classmates and school appreciate you as much as we do!
Performing Arts
Zac C - For your enthusiasm and vibrant energy you bring to the Performing Arts classroom every week. What a performer you are!
Term 3: Weeks 1 & 2
Week 1
Nikhil K - Congratulations Nikhil. You have started Term 3 with an enthusiastic attitude towards your learning! You always try your best at every task and have been listening to teacher feedback. You are a caring and kind friend; Foundation D are lucky to have you! Keep up the awesome work!
Abigail B - Congratulations Abi, your enthusiasm and excitement make our school days brighter. With your cheerful spirit and love for learning, you embrace every part of school life with a positive attitude. Keep up the fantastic work!
Esme T - For being a writing whizz! What an excellent job you did this week with your work. You challenged yourself and it was great to see you smile so proudly when showing off your work to the class!
Jack C - Jack, you have started the Term with a positive attitude and have shown great dedication to your learning. You have been a super friend by including everyone and always being kind. Keep it up, legend!
Maeve T - Maeve, I have been so impressed with your amazing work in Reading, sounding out challenging words and showing an incredible attitude. You're a star!
Layla A - For demonstrating exceptional kindness and support to her peers both inside and outside the classroom. She has been incredibly helpful in assisting her classmates with tricky tasks and consistently shows great respect towards her teachers.
Tom B - For an enthusiastic start to Term 3! We loved your determination and attention to detail when doing your holiday writing this week. Your handwriting was especially neat and you included great detail. Well done, Tom!
Annie R - Well done on a great start to Term 3 and your enthusiasm towards learning. You approach work with a positive attitude and take on feedback to reach your learning goals. Keep up the amazing effort!
Spike W - Well done Spike for always having a positive attitude and helping out your friends in need! Keep up the great work!
Lachie H - Lachie, what a FANTASTIC start to term 3 you have had. You have shown extra focus and have been working incredibly hard to get the most out of yourself. This was really clear during our maths sessions when you were very determined when working on our symmetrical drawings. Keep it up, rockstar!
Chiara L - You have become a spelling champion, helping us to remember each of the rules we have learnt. Well done on a fantastic start to the term!
Tom G - For being committed to all you do- your focus and effort to all work tasks is commendable! Keep up the wonderful work, superstar!
Charlie B - Charlie, you demonstrate such a fantastic attitude towards your learning! Thank you for constantly modelling what it means to have a growth mindset.
Maddie K - Maddie, you consistently demonstrate exemplary behaviour in the classroom, always producing work of exceptional quality. Your presence brings joy to the classroom, and your habit of sharing information about upcoming national days sparks delightful conversations among your peers. In honour of Monday being National Be a Good Teammate Day, it is fitting to acknowledge your outstanding qualities as a teammate in 5/6B. Keep up the great work, Maddie!
Imogen S-A - Immy, you are a pleasure to teach, you always give 100% in class no matter the task! Keep up the great work.
Atharva T - The Daintree has more diversity of plants than any other place in the world. 5/6S has more diversity of knowledge than any other place in the world, thanks to our very own ‘tree’. Atharva, you are a superstar!
Ryan Mack - Absent so carried over into Week 2 please see below
Neive J - Neive, you have had a remarkable start to the term. Your focus, determination and effort have been exceptional, and you have consistently displayed a positive mindset in all tasks. Your knowledge of First Nations culture and history during NAIDOC week has been so valuable for our learning. Furthermore, what is truly admirable, always, Neive, is the compassion and thoughtfulness that you demonstrate towards all of your peers, particularly those in need. Very proud of you.
Week 2
Oscar H - Congratulations Oscar! What a super start to Term 3 you have had! You did a wonderful job with your Share and Learn last week - we are always so impressed with your creativity! You have also been a reading rockstar, I have been very impressed with your reading efforts! Keep up the amazing work Oscar!
Henry H - Congratulations, Henry! You are a champion at taking on new challenges and crafting sensational sentences in your fantastic writing efforts. Your kindness shone brightly when you went out of your way to cheer up a friend. Foundation J are so lucky to have you!
Poppy MacG - For your endless positivity and kindness that brightens our classroom each day. It’s truly heartwarming to see the way you notice someone might feel left out and find a way to include them. Foundation Z is lucky to have a student like you.
Harriet H - Harriet, you are an absolute superstar. You always have a positive attitude towards your learning. You are such a kind and caring classmate - we are so lucky to have you in 1M! Well done, legend!
Hannah B - Hannah, I have been so impressed with the way you have come back ready to learn in Term 3, showing incredible listening skills, answering questions and being a wonderful role-model in class. Well done, superstar!
Juniper G - Your kindness, respect and hard work shine brightly every day. You tackle tricky tasks with a fantastic attitude and always give your best effort. Keep up the amazing work, Juniper!
Everly P - We have been impressed with your resilience this week settling back into Term 3. Using a positive attitude you have hit the ground running. Your holiday recount demonstrated some great use of punctuation and connectives. Well done, Everly!
Heidi R - Well done on a great start to Term 3! You approach work with care and always make sure your work is set out beautifully. Keep up the amazing effort, Heidi!
Georgie E - Georgie, I am so happy with the effort that you bring to every single class. You're consistently bringing new perspectives to our lessons, and I really love the way you always have a go, no matter what! Keep up the great work, and stay smiling!
Kyran G - For his hard work on all tasks this week!
Lara F - For always going above and beyond to cooperate well and help your peers through challenges.
Bill S - For making an effort to participate in our PhOrMes lessons this term. We love seeing you 'chin it'!
Austin C - Austin, your knowledge of global continents and countries is fantastic. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to classroom discussions on our new integrated unit, 'The World Around Us'. Keep up the great work!
Axel W - Axel, you are a shining star in 5/6B! Your positive attitude and willingness to lend a helping hand and have a laugh brings so much joy to our classroom. You've tackled every challenge with the finesse of Jack Ginnivan, never dropping the ball. Your kind soul was especially evident during our recent excursion to the MCG, where you showed respect to everyone around you. Just like a true footy legend, you keep kicking goals both in and out of the classroom (and hopefully one day on the MCG). Keep up the fantastic work and stay on the ball!
William D - William, you go about your learning and daily school life in such a calm and thoughtful manner, you have really come out of your shell and always have a smile on your face! Keep on smiling!
Brydie S - Here comes the student who overcomes challenges. Here comes the student who tries their best. Here comes the student who never gives up. Here comes the...Brydi Smeaton! The way you overcame your nerves with bike ed was terrific!
Samara K - Samara the positive and enthusiastic attitude that you show towards your learning doesn’t go unnoticed! You apply yourself and always try your best, this shows in the brilliant work you complete and create each day! Awesome work, Samara!
Ryan Mack - You are kind, caring, polite, empathetic, a supportive friend, a reflective learner and an all-round legend! You are all these things and more Ryan, it is an absolute delight having you in 5/6T, keep being you!
Jaxson S - Your compassion mirrors Jacob Weitering's support for his teammates. Your sense of humour echoes Vossy's playful spirit. Your effort and dedication to your learning rivals Patty Cripps' relentless drive. Your perseverance reflects Harry McKay's work ethic. Congratulations for embodying Carlton's spirit with such distinction!