Key Dates & Events



Please access the OLA Calendar here.


Week 3 
Mon 29 July8.45-10.45am -G Day
 7-8.30pm - P&F Meeting
Thurs 1 Aug6.30-7.30pm - Confirmation Parent/Child Workshop
Fri 2 Aug 2.30-3.15pm - Whole School Assembly
Week 4 
Mon 5 AugPrep 100 Day Celebration
 7-8.30pm - OSAC Meeting & Dinner
Tues 6 AugAustralian Mathmatics Competition
Thurs 8 AugFeast of St Mary MacKillop
 2.30-3.00pm - Feast of Saint Mary MacKillop Prayer Service
 6.30-7.30pm - Junior Parent/Child Workshop
Fri 9 AugInternational Day of the World's Indigenous People
 Newsletter Day
Week 5 
Sunday 11 Aug9-10.00am -Sacrament of First Eucharist
 11-12pm - Sacrament of First Eucharist
Mon 12 AugConfirmation Reflection Day
Tues 13 Aug2.45-3.00pm - Wakakirri Whole School Performance
Wed 14 Aug6.30-7.30pm - Grade 3/4 Sexuality Education Family Session (webinar)
Thurs 15 AugFeast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
 6pm-6.30pm - Performing Arts Night
Fri 16 AugDrew Lane RE Music Incursion/Concert
 2.30-3.15pm - Whole School Assembly

Pupil Free Days for 2024

  • Friday 7 June Positive Behaviour & Family Partnerships 
  • Monday 15 July Spiritual Development/Faith Formation
  • Monday 7 October Literacy
  • Monday 4 November Assessment & Reporting
  • Friday 6 December 2025 Planning and Preparation 

Please note on the following dates school finish early at 1pm:

OLA Fete on Friday 22 November

Last day of school Tuesday 17 December


Please note the following changes to the 2024 Calendar:


End of Year Community Event now Thursday 5 December at 6.30pm (not 28 November)

Followed by School Closure Day Friday 6 December (not 29 November)