Principal's Message 

Mr Tom Bagnall

The first two weeks of this term have absolutely flown by! It has been great to see everyone settling into our new structure, and I’d like to thank everyone for their understanding of this having to be done. I’d also like to commend our staff on how well they have managed this to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. This term we have lots going on, so please keep an eye on Dojo for these events as we will provide regular updates! 

This term, we will also be saying farewell to Mrs Godwin and Mrs Bank who have both been offered exciting opportunities to further their career at another school. This is a huge credit to both of them as this is a clear sign that their skills are in high demand and have been recognised without either of them applying for other positions. If you see either Mrs Godwin or Mrs Bank around the school, I know that you will join me in wishing them all the best in their new adventures! Once arrangements are made as to who will fill these positions, families will be notified. 


Reporting to Parents 

Last term, Semester One reports were released via email. It is really pleasing to see that the majority have been viewed by families since last term. Across the school, 80% of the reports have been viewed by families, which is really pleasing to see given the work that teachers put into these. If you have questions about your child’s report or the learning occurring in classrooms, feel free to discuss these with their teacher. 

Next week, a reminder link will be sent to those showing as unread on our system. If you are having trouble accessing the report, contact the office for help. 

Please also remember to download the student report and print or save for future reference as the report link will expire. 


Book Week 

On Monday 19 August, we will be holding our Book Week parade. This will take place first thing in the morning, in the undercover area. This day is always really fun, and encourages the discussion around favourite books as well as discovering new characters that children might be interested in. Please bear in mind, there is no expectation that families go and buy costumes as these can be quite expensive. Instead, consider using existing costumes at home, or recycling and creating something new. 

Some ideas for this can be found via the below links, otherwise a simple google search comes up with plenty of ideas that can be created at home with minimal (or no) cost!'s%20Web  


Public School Review 

Recently, we received our Public School Review Report. The final report was endorsed by the Department of Education and is now available for public reading if anyone is interested. This process was really positive, and involved all staff in some way, whether through reflection or speaking to the review team. 

Our next Public School Review has been scheduled for 2025, and this is seen as an opportunity to show the growth and reflection journey during this time. It is really important to remember that the Public School Review is not a judgmental process, but rather a chance for the school to reflect on what areas need to be focused on, as such, the recommendations that are made are driven from what was discussed during the validation visit. As such,  

A copy of the report is in the front office and will be uploaded to the Marangaroo PS website as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions about anything contained in the Public School Review, please feel free to come and discuss these with me. 


Open Evening 

On Wednesday 11 September, we will be holding our Open Evening from 4pm – 6pm. During this time, classrooms will be open for families to have a look at the work and activities that students have been working on this term. On this day, you are also welcome to explore some of the other classrooms in the school to visit former teachers, or see what kinds of activities might be in store for next year. 

Whilst there is time for informal conversations with teachers, this is not the time for in depth meetings regarding student progress, and if you would like to discuss these things, you are encouraged to make a formal meeting time so that these questions can be addressed more privately. 

Our Book Fair organized by Mrs Preston will also be taking place on this night and will be held in the library. 


Upcoming Dates – Term 2 

A few dates to be aware of over the coming weeks are: 

2 August – Emus Assembly 

7 August - Jumps and Throws

14/15/16 August – Year 6 Camp 

19 August – Book Week Parade 

23 August – Athletics Carnival 

20 September – End of Term 3 

7 October – School Development Day 

8 October – Term 4 begins for students 


I hope that everyone has a fantastic end to the week, and as always, please feel free to come in and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns. 


Tom Bagnall
