Year 10 Update

The End to a Busy Term  

Congratulations Year 10 


With the end of Term 2 upon us, I want to acknowledge the dedication, enthusiasm and hard work of all of the Year 10s in what has been a busy end to Semester 1. 


Navigating through your first examinations is a significant milestone, and I'm trusting that you will reflect on the effort and preparation you did leading up to your examinations. I am a firm believer that effort equals reward. Regardless of the outcome, be proud of your diligence and determination. 


The final stages of preparations for Work Experience are underway, and I'm excited to see how these experiences will further shape your career goals. This opportunity will undoubtedly provide invaluable insights and skills for your future endeavours. 


Year 10s let's applaud your exceptional participation and efforts during the HPA week. Your engagement and commitment did not go unnoticed. As I moved around the school, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing you all contribute to what was an outstanding evening. To our Year 10 HPA Captains congratulations on the leadership you displayed not only during the business of last week, but also in the weeks leading up to this event. It was a massive undertaking and you all filled your roles admirably. It has been lovely to receive staff feedback on the Year 10 cohort, so once again well done. 


Lastly, well done to Winnie, Ermo and Ivy on making it through to the finals of Shark Tank. I was fortunate enough to hear their pitches and their hard work was obvious. Thank you to Ms Gemmell for supporting the girls through this experience. 


The start of Semester 2 brings the chance to explore new electives and exciting units of work. I look forward to witnessing your continued growth and success in the upcoming semester. Before then, take time to reset your balance and enjoy a well deserved break.

Nicole Elliott

Year 10 Coordinator