Year 8 Update

Summing Up the Semester

Term 2 has been filled with diverse and exciting activities for the Shelford community. The Year 8s busily finalised their CATs. They also created, painted, sang, danced, and acted in the House Performing Arts! It was a team effort from all and congratulations to Langley House on their win. 


This term the Memory Book Sessions were an excellent way for the students to reflect on their time here at Shelford and allowed them to appreciate their part in the school community. Recently, the Year 7 and 8 students participated in a Chapel with the focus on understanding the influence of peers and valuing their diverse selves. It was a way for the students to consider how much their habits and hobbies are related to the behaviours of their friends. Students were asked to ponder their true selves.

Study Skills Session 2: Active Reading

In our Week 8 Wellbeing period, the Year 8 students had their second Study Skills Session with a focus on ‘active reading’. Active reading involves engaging with the text through highlighting and questioning. Students enjoyed using their highlighters and working together to complete the activity.


  • Actively read and highlighted key information.
  • Used key questions to guide reading. This ensured reading with purpose.
  • Focused on identifying key pieces of information from a body of text. Distinguished important information compared with background details.

I look forward to concluding the suite of study skills activities in Term 3.


I wish you all a warm and safe winter break.

Take care.

Joy Ashwell Callaway

Year 8 Level Coordinator