Junior School Update


What a sensational couple of weeks the Junior School has enjoyed, visiting the Danny Frawley Centre, and engaging in swimming lessons. This kind of activity, in addition to upskilling students in an essential survival proficiency, also contributes positively to students’ growth mindset and resilience. They are afforded the opportunity to demonstrate how they cope with a change in routine whilst participating in an activity that pushes many outside of their comfort zones; it has been a joy to see our students experiencing success in these areas. Thank you to Ms Ritson and all the staff involved in arranging and facilitating this opportunity for our students! 

Years 1-4 Visit Ceres 

The youngest Junior School students and their teachers had a wonderful visit to Ceres to learn all about sustainability and recycling. Activities included the Merri Creek Walk, a Litter Trap and Compost bingo. It was a lovely activity at the end of a very busy term. 

Wellbeing – Decompressing Over the School Holidays 

It has been a busy semester, but more than that, it has been a semester unlike any other. Not many school students walk the path our Shelford students are on; this is an experience without much precedent. As much as they have done a fantastic job of staying engaged in learning and making the most of the many new opportunities made available, such as the Colour Run, Memory Book sessions, the whole school Athletics Carnival, and of course the delicious Donut Panic, managing change can be tiring and these school holidays offer a much-needed and timely chance to stop, take a breath, unwind and prepare for Shelford’s final semester. We encourage our students to take these holidays as a valuable chance to unwind and recharge and doing the things we know will help them make the most of the break including: 


1. Getting Active Physical activity is great for reducing stress and what young person’s mood isn’t boosted by swimming, hiking, or walking in the park? 


2. Prioritising Sleep Even though it’s the holidays, it’s still important to stick to a healthy sleep routine – at least 8 hours of sleep per night ensures optimal mood and cognitive function. 


3. Enjoying Hobbies Diving into much loved activities - painting, playing music, or reading provides a creative outlet and reduces stress. 


4. Connecting with Loved Ones Spending quality time with family and friends and engaging in activities like game nights or picnics can create cherished memories and provide emotional nourishment. 


5. Practicing Gratitude and Mindfulness Take time to be in the present moment and appreciate all that we have. 


6. Planning Ahead While relaxing, a bit of planning and setting goals for the next term can make for a smooth start to the second, very busy, semester.  


We wish our families a lovely, restful break and look forward to seeing you all again soon. 

Vicky Gemmell

Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development



Jacqui Sidaway

Head of Junior School – Teaching and Learning