Principal's News 

Pauline Cutajar

As we reach the end of Semester 1, I want to take a moment to reflect on the outstanding sense of community that has been evident at so many events and activities throughout the semester. I have been reminded of and witnessed countless times the extraordinary Shelford spirit that so many of us speak about so fondly. Most recently our HPA event, saw both students and staff work together to ensure that the event not only took place but that it was truly a HPA to remember. It was heartwarming and inspiring to watch our HPA Captains (many of whom were Year 10 students,) work so diligently and creatively to lead their respective Houses. It was also wonderful to see so many of our staff make spectacular appearances on stage in their respective House performances! To me, this was such a beautiful and powerful statement of the extraordinary relationship our students and staff share as well as the lengths that our staff go to each and every day to ensure that our students have the very best of opportunities and experiences.


Rotary District public Speaking Championships

Last night, I had the pleasure of being in the audience of the Rotary District public Speaking Championships at Parliament House. Our very own Olivia B from Year 7, performed admirably in the Junior Section. Olivia’s presentation about coral bleaching was passionate, articulate and engaging. Olivia’s stage engaging and commanding presence was particularly impressive especially given that all of the other finalists were Year 9 students. Congratulations and well-done Olivia!


CGS Transition

The transition programme with Caulfield is now in progress. Our Year 10 and 11 students have begun their subject selection process for 2025 and have been invited to numerous Caulfield events. This collaboration will continue throughout Term 3, providing all transitioning students with opportunities to engage in smaller, bespoke activities with Caulfield students.


As part of the transition for Junior School Shelford students we have planned several connections to take place including, joining planned excursions, activities and also visits to the Malvern Campus. The Caulfield Grammar Year 4 – 6 students will also be visiting Shelford campus to attend Matilda




The following staff will leave Shelford at the end of this term, Oskar Bleeker - Year 9 Coordinator and Head of SEAS, Katrina Gu – Mathematics Teacher, and Margie Wormington – Receptionist. I thank each of them for their work at Shelford and wish them all the very best as they begin at their respective new schools in Term 3. I would also like to thank and farewell Jo Ritson as she also leaves us at the end of the term, to prepare for the birth of her precious baby girl. We look forward to a visit in Term 3!


Congratulations to Mia Dimitrakopoulos, who has been appointed Year 9 Coordinator. Mia is very well known to the students, and I have no doubt that her passion for student wellbeing and academic development, will be an asset to our Year 9 students and their families.


I wish everyone a very well-deserved, restful, and enjoyable term break. I hope that you will take the time to recharge and spend quality time with family and friends. For those lucky enough to be travelling, may your travel be safe and enriching. I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the new opportunities that Term 3 will bring.