
Monash Division Year 8 Boys AFL
On Tuesday 4th June, the Year 8 boys AFL team travelled to Princes Hwy Reserve to compete against the Year 8 team from Wheelers Hill Secondary College (the only other school in the competition). Unfortunately for us the competition was very strong and although the boys tried their best, they were unable to come away with the win. They also played a friendly match against the Year 7 team from Wheelers Hill.
The team was coached by Chase Williamson, Aditya Das, William Trumble and Jamin Tang. The student coaches did a fantastic job rotating the players off the bench and giving them some motivational speeches at the breaks. They also stepped into the roles of goal umpire, boundary umpire and runner when needed.
Team: Noah Alvarez, Max Carey, Isaac Chellan, Angus, Chua, Zac Church, David Clarke, Riley Cochrane, Sam Delifotis, Lok Leung, Aidan Liew, Lucas Moulds, Tyson Oomkaeo, William Ou, Zahn Paranavitana, Chase Penfold, Nathaniel Philip, Andrew Plompen, Caleb, Sims, Owen Tango Shackson, Ethan Trumble, Jun Wang, Ryan White and Jason Zou.
Year 8 Girls Badminton
The Year 8 Girls Badminton had an amazing day of playing badminton at Monash University on the 4th of June.
Our A team beat all other teams on the day of the competition, including Wheeler Hill A team, South Oakleigh A team, and our own Brentwood B team, which was a great achievement. The A team will go on to compete in Regionals in August Term 3, which is an amazing win for Brentwood!
The members of our B team also demonstrated great skill and resilience, only losing by a few points to South Oakleigh A team while securing a strong win against Wheelers Hill A team.
The student coaches were incredible in conducting and scoring the round robins and were providing our players with encouragement and helpful tips throughout the entire game.
Team members:
Chloe Foo
Snigdha Pegallapati
Catherine Shu
Natalie Law
Sienna Dias
Chloe Cai
Vanessa Zhou
Elina Lee
Preeti Prabhakar
Bianca Zheng
Chanelle Perera
Melanie Dew
Student coaches:
Mikayla Lim
Sudam Ranasinghe
Justin Chow
A massive thank you to the students who participated and to the student coaches for all their help and effort in making this awesome day possible.
Joyce Lin
Year 8 Girls Badminton Team Coach
Year 7 Girls Badminton
Congratulations to the Year 7 Girls Badminton team who won their Monash Division competition on Tuesday 4th June at Monash University.
It was wonderful to see the student coaches excel in their role with great encouragement, organisation, planning training sessions and leadership. All girls made the most of their opportunities and have now successfully made it through to the next stage to be played at a later date. In the meantime, the girls have scheduled training sessions to attend to be ready for our next challengers.
Best of luck and congratulations to all of you for your wonderful result.
Division Cross Country
On Thursday the 23rd May our wonderful cross-country team headed out to Norton’s Park for a big day of running. Our team represented our school very well with 39 runners progressing through to Region.
The 16 – 20-year boys had to run a very grueling 5km course with multiple hills throughout their run. The 16 - 20-year girls, as well as the younger age groups (12–15-year-old boys and girls) had to run a difficult and hilly 3km course.
A huge congratulations to our Junior Team (Year 7 & 8 students) who were able to come away with victory and the junior cross-country shield. I wish all the runners progressing through to EMR the best of luck.
Division Shield Winners:
Junior – Brentwood SC
Intermediate – South Oakleigh SC
Senior – John Monash SS
Overall – South Oakleigh SC
School Sports Victoria - Senior Baseball State Championships 2024
On May 21st, Brentwood’s Senior Baseball team (made up of fourteen year 11s and one year 12 boy) made it all the way to victory at state championships, after two successful tournament days at Monash region and EMR earlier in the semester. The lore with this group goes back a few years prior to 2024 – at some point, a group of friends found themselves to be in the company of talented baseballers. Their previous coaches are no longer at the school, but they did manage to take our team to state level last year. Fast forward, and their legacy has truly been established!
We kicked off Round 1 by easily defeating several local schools, including John Monash at a small reserve nearby. Next, we travelled to Knox, where we were challenged further and ran into former BSC icon, Dustin Kim (who helped us to keep some fiery interactions under control and even got involved in base coaching). By the time we got to Round 3 at Cheltenham last month we were met with some serious competition, including a sports academy school from Maribyrnong. This was no issue for us though, as we came back from a rough patch to knock them out of the race. By the time our grand final match was to be played, it was getting later in the afternoon. We faced a team from Mildura, who had travelled to and stayed in Melbourne overnight. Once again, we were down pretty bad, and the visitors were getting rowdy on their side of the pitch. This is when we rallied our team (who doubled as our cheer squad) to get extra supportive and inspire another sneak back to the top of the leaderboard. It was after 4pm and we’d finally made it – though not without some light heckling (both ways), several amazing tournament highlights from our boys, a few valiant injuries and of course, frantic attempts to get after school commitments/shifts covered.
As a quite un-sporty English/Arts teacher who had never coached a team before, I would like to thank the following groups - firstly, the boys for their consistent levelling up in positivity, maturity, teamwork and sporting prowess. Special mentions to their music selection and vibes management on the industrial size portable speaker that followed us each round. Next, to the student coaches (Elise and Maddie) - thanks for always helping us out and supporting over the first two rounds!
A huge thank you to Ms Nash and the P.E team for all their organisation, support of students and staff, bus booking/driving plus so much more.
Lastly, to Mr Rutherford for teaching me how to keep score for baseball (was not on my bingo card for 2024).
Congratulations all and we look forward to backing it up next year! - Ms. Annoglou
Missing Sport Tops
We have completed a stocktake on our sporting equipment and uniforms after one term of sport and have noticed that we are missing a few numbered sports tops. We lend these tops out to our students to wear for Interschool Sport and they are to be returned at the end of the day. We are requesting parents/carers to search drawers and cupboards to make sure they have not been accidently taken home and stored away.
This message has also been passed onto all the students via Teams.
If you do find a top at home, can you please send them back to the school and return them to the PE office.
Thank you.
Please find a photo below for reference:
Brentwood School Sports
Brentwood competes in the School Sport Victoria (SSV) program. We are a successful school due to the commitment of students and staff to the program.
Staff volunteer their time to provide opportunities to the students to get involved.
Students can learn new skills, develop tactical thinking within a competitive environment, meet new friends, build rapport with staff outside the classroom, demonstrate leadership skills through student coaching, display good sportsmanship no matter what the outcome, and most of all students can grow as a person.
Brentwood look the part when we go out to compete. When we arrive at a competition, other schools know exactly who we are; as we arrive as a team and we look like a team. Students wear our sports uniform with pride.
We have a strict uniform policy. If you are part of a Brentwood team you look like a Brentwood student. We wear our sport uniform: Brentwood polo, Brentwood navy shorts, Brentwood navy track pants, Brentwood rugby jumper, Brentwood jacket, Brentwood hat, white socks, and appropriate footwear. We do not wear casual clothing or other teams clothing. We represent Brentwood.
We enter teams into all SSV competitions and compete within the Monash Division.
Our local competition come from Wheelers Hill Secondary College, South Oakleigh College, Wellington Secondary College and John Monash Science School.
Winning teams then progress to the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) round robin competitions, and successful teams from EMR compete at the SSV State Championships.
Communication is via the Compass portal. Consent and payment for events must be completed via compass. Consent must be finalized by 11.59pm two school days prior to the event/excursion. If a student does not have consent and payment is not complete before this time, they will not be permitted to attend. Unfortunately, some students do miss out.
We also like to celebrate student sporting achievement. We would love to hear about your child’s super special milestones and achievements in their chosen sport. A quick email is all that it takes :
I do hope that you encourage your child to try a new sport through the many opportunities at Brentwood to get involved. Even if they do not make a team, they have learnt new skills and developed abilities during the selection trials and trainings.
We also love to have supportive parents attend sporting events.
So feel free to come along and cheer on Brentwood throughout the year.
Kim Nash & Sarah Swilks
2024 Directors of Sport
PE uniform reminders:
Below are some PE uniform reminders:
- Years 7 – 9 may wear their PE uniform all day on days in which they have PE. This is made known to students by having GYM1, GYM2, GYM3 etc. for their “room” location. On days where students have Health, they are required to be in their academic uniform.
- Year 10 students may only wear PE uniform if they are completing either PE elective (Enhanced PE or Sports Science) on the days their teacher has selected for them to complete their practical classes for the week. Students will be given uniform pass cards from their teacher which will list what days these practical classes are on. Students are to carry these card at all times. If a student is in PE uniform on a day that a practical class is not on or cannot present their card then they will receive a uniform chronicle.
- Year 11 and 12 students are to change into and out of their PE uniforms for periods that they have a practical class. If students have PE in period 1 they are allowed to come to school in their PE uniform and will change at the end of this period. If students have PE in period 5 they will need to change at lunch time and are permitted to leave school in their PE uniforms. If students have practical classes in period 2, 3 or 4 then they must be changing in and out of their uniforms during that classtime. If a year 11 or year 12 student comes to class in their PE uniform and they do not have a practical class in that period then they will receive a uniform chronicle.
- PE uniform items can be purchased here -
Kind regards,
Meg Wrench Joseph
Head of Health and PE