
Explore the Learning in Foundation

Wow, we're already halfway through Prep! Time is flying by! The Preps have made tremendous progress, becoming confident and well-acquainted with the school routine. Their knowledge in all curriculum areas has improved immensely. We are incredibly proud of each and everyone of them. 



We have had a busy four weeks with a big focus on ‘Number’ – Place value and being able to represent a number more than two ways. The students have been successful showing their understanding by drawing, using concrete aids and writing numbers. 

The students have also enjoyed learning about money, identifying coins and their features and recognising that different coins and notes have different values.

Recently the students having been learning to use words such as such as 

middle, bottom, on top of, in front of, behind, above, between, around, near, close, far, up, down, forwards, backwards, inside, outside, under, over, beside, through

to describe a position or location of something. 



In Reading, the Prep students have been introduced to double letters that make one sound: zz, ss, ff, and ll. They have also been learning to read and spell four-sound words. The students have been developing their reading fluency during whole-class choral reading and in their paired reading activities. 

In Writing, students have been learning about sentence structure, focusing on the who, what, where, and when in a sentence. They have been extending their sentences using simple adjectives to add detail to their writing. Additionally, they have been focusing on the correct use of capital letters, full stops, letter formation, and spacing between words. The students were especially proud to share their "All About Me" facts they have been writing in their Writer's Notebooks this week.


Important Dates and Information for Term 3 

Next term, at the end of Week 1, a share time roster will be distributed for each class. Your child will be allocated a share day. On this day each week, your child will be encouraged to bring in an item or photo to share with the class. 


Beach School Excursions with Lucy

Information will come out via compass at the beginning of the term. Here are the dates times.  

Week 4 Wednesday 7th August 

Week 6 Wednesday 21st August