Wellbeing Page
Wellbeing Page
This term has seen a focus on building skills to support resilience and wellbeing in our students. We began Term 2 with lessons on "Positive Self Talk" before two weeks of focussing on developing strategies to support others and selves to cope with bulllying. Our Resilience Toolkit and "I" Messages have been used consistently across the school to provide students with visual prompts to support.
We have also been using some of the lessons provided by The Resilience Project with the themes of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.
As always, our PERMA (Positive Emotions, Empathy, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment) model, provides the building blocks of wellbeing and happiness at BHPS. Additionally, the Character Strengths underpin our wellbeing approach at BHPS and our weekly character strength focus can be found on our wellbeing blog:
If you would like more information or to speak with me about wellbeing, please email me;
Attached is information about free, local parenting events coming up in Term 3.