On Thursday 26/7/23 we ran an open morning tea for families which was a time to connect and chat with Dan Petro, educational specialist and behaviour analyst. 


Dan has worked extensively with Croydon SDS over many years to develop our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework.


This was a time for families to connect and have an open discussion about their experiences in raising children with additional needs, and talk through some potential strategies in supporting behaviour. 


Parent reflections on their experience:


"It was great to discuss some strategies and how they can support  behaviour" - Bec Gilmore: School Council President


"Dan made things really relatable. He talked about experiences we've all had and how certain strategies could support. This sparked really good conversation among the parents afterwards" - Peter Van Winden: Parent


If this is something you would be interested in attending in the future, please reach out and let the school know.