Geography Excursion

Unit 2 Geography Excursion
In Unit 2 Geography, students have been learning about tourism. As part of this, students are to undertake fieldwork investigating the impacts and management of tourism. This year’s class were considering the ease and safety of movement around some of Melbourne’s tourist attractions, such as the Sports Precinct and Federation Square.
Though it was wet and grey as we gathered at Glen Waverley Train Station for the trip into the city, for once Melbourne’s changeable weather was a benefit, as by the time we reached Richmond, the rain had passed and students were able to begin their data collection. They investigated elements such as suitable provision of crossings, the condition of walking paths, access to transport, disability access and the quantity and quality of directional information, such as maps and signs. Most of the data was collected using an app, ArcGIS Survey123, which allows students to record a range of information about their observations, including the exact location. Back in class, this will allow them to generate graphs and maps to analyse, so that they can come to a conclusion about how easy and safe these areas would be for tourists to navigate.
Some of the highlights of the day were the spinning top seats at Federation Square, finding that a McDonalds did exist within the areas students were allowed to go, and joining in a random game of soccer that was taking place in Alexandra Gardens.
Thanks to Mr Shelly for accompanying us on the day and to the students for demonstrating our school values.