Garden Club

Spring is in the air and the kitchen garden has certainly grown. Garden club students returned after the holidays to a lovely sunny day to enjoy the patch.  Munching on snow and snap peas, picking the first carrot of the crop, harvesting spring onion and broccolini seeds and watering the flowers made for a nice return to lunchtime at school.  Although we didn’t get any broccolini this year, as it bolted to seed early, we plan to go to our local library in Watsonia to swap these seeds for something else we can grow.   


Cooking students regularly use the herbs, vegetables and flowers in various dishes in food tech and the students enjoy just popping out to the patch to pick a few chives or herbs to garnish.  With a plentiful patch of oregano, it’s a great opportunity to teach different methods of preservation within our cooking lessons – so that they may enjoy the bounty of herbs later in the year when they don’t grow as fast.   


It’s also been great to see students at recess or lunchtime passing the patch and having a chat about what’s growing, even picking and trying a few different herbs.  Next up planning for the spring crops next, as well as mulching and weeding the flower bed.  Little jobs regularly make the garden so much easier and a nice time out in the patch.