Assistant Principal's Report

A New Beginning – Farewell to the Class of 2023


17th October 2023 is the day that we bid farewell to the Year 12 Class of 2023. 


In your journey through secondary school, you have collected memories, learnt educational content but more importantly you have learnt about yourselves.  You have experienced challenges, overcome obstacles, and driven threw roadblocks with strength and determination.  You have experienced the up and downs of relationships and made friendships that will last.  You have laughed and cried and supported each other through your studies.  You have persisted and now you have reached the end.   Congratulations! 


But as one door closes another door opens.   


A new beginning awaits.  The future is bright with possibilities. 


So, in the next stage of your journey continue to keep learning, be resilient, be brave, be kind,

value your relationships and change the world in big and small ways. 


It has been our pleasure to share this stage of your journey with you.


Greensborough College Staff



The Year 10 girls were involved in a Flourish which is a program designed to promote mental health and emotional intelligence for teenage girls.  It does this by building self-awareness, self-confidence and social connectedness of themselves and with each other.


The participants learnt how to become more resilient and compassionate with themselves so they could look to help and support others.  They addressed the their own self-judgment and unpacked the expectations that others and society place on them.  They learned to own their own story and understand that there is power in that. They arere created 

  • Girls address the relationship they have with self-judgement
  • Girls experience and unpack how societal expectations impact themselves
  • Girls learn to own the power of their own story
  • Girls realise that sharing vulnerably creates more connection
  • Girls learn to build their self-awareness skills
  • Girls create their own personalised tools & strategies to be more resilient moving forward

Toilet Passes

This week at the staff meeting I am hoping to issue to staff two yellow lanyards each.  These are to act as toilet passes for students who need to use the facilities during class time.  The yellow lanyard toilet passes will be trailed for the rest of the year. 


The expectations of students using the toilets still remain the same.  Please send students to the toilets one at a time and please do not send them in the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class.  It is important that you know the students in your class that may have any medical problems that require them to use the toilet in a timely manner. 


It is hoped that the yellow lanyards will the following advantages:

  • Provides a clear indicator that students are authorized to go to the toilet.
  • Identify why students are out of class.
  • Prevent students from wandering around on the way to or from the toilet.
  • Making it easy to track when toilets are used and hopefully reduce damage and graffiti in the toilets.

Thank you for your support in this matter.



Angus McLean

Acting Assistant Principal