Production (SHREK) News

A video recording of the Shrek performance will be available for purchase by scanning the following link:
Production DVDs and USBs
Wow, what a production! The singing, the dancing, the costumes, the sets, the acting, the smiles, the FUN! What an enormous and rewarding experience. Over 500 performers! Over 1,000 audience members! Over 10,000 pieces of costumes! Hearing all the wonderful, thoughtful, positive and heartfelt feedback has truly made all the effort worthwhile. I am so proud of the efforts of all the students and our wonderful Murrumbeena staff. It indeed was a spectacular and magical evening where every performer shone brightly. An extra special thanks to Anan Xu, Laura Ellett and Anthea Cottell, who volunteered to help return costumes....huge thanks and much appreciation. DVDs and USBs are now available for purchase, so you can either relive the magic again or share it with those who could not be there. Orders will be delivered to the school. Please visit the following website to place your order:!/Murrumbeena-Primary-School-Production-8th-Sept-2023/p/582297001/category=0