PYP - Primary Years Program

IB PYP Learner Profile Attributes - Inquirers, Balanced


Throughout the term, students are viewing videos MPS produced learner profile attribute videos to further their understanding. Students are also acknowledged at assembly each week for displaying the Learner Profile Attributes throughout the school.

In this week’s newsletter, we are focusing on  the Learner Profile Attributes of inquirers and balanced.

In the table below, you will see examples of how inquirers and balanced may be displayed at school or at home.






I show curiosity.



I ask questions.





I discover new things.




I show enthusiasm towards learning.

Borrows and reads non fiction books on a range of topics.


Asks questions to further understanding or knowledge during inquiry.



Shares or records reflections on new learning or changes in thinking.


Works diligently and enthusiastically to maximise learning opportunities.

Joins in conversations on a range of topics.


Ask questions to further understanding or knowledge about everyday events e.g. Labour Day.


Talks about what and how they have learnt at school.



Enjoys visiting museums to further knowledge and understanding.



I know when to work and play.


I embrace learning in all subjects.



I manage my emotions.






I care for my body.

Stays on task during learning activities at school.


Approaches all specialist areas with enthusiasm and commitment to learn.


Uses emotive language to articulate how they are feeling, why they are feeling that way and what strategy they could use to regulate their emotions. 


Actively participates in physical activity throughout the day.

Adheres to  routines at home.



Shares learning experience from across all curriculum areas.



Uses emotive language to articulate how they are feeling, why they are feeling that way and what strategy they could use to regulate their emotions.


Happily wears a hat and sunscreen during days of high UV.

The IB’s description of each learner profile can be found here.

You might like to take the opportunity to further discuss the Learner Profile Attributes of inquirers and balanced with your children in the coming weeks. Can you come up with other examples of how to be inquirers and balanced?


Year 6 Exhibition


Dear Year 6 Parents,


This week, our Year Six students will be beginning their ‘Exhibition’ unit of inquiry.

In the students’ final year of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP), which occurs in Year Six, students participate in their ‘Exhibition’ unit of inquiry. Students engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. Throughout this process, they implement the essential elements of the PYP.


Students have agency (voice, choice, ownership, leadership) over their learning, by selecting an issue of personal interest and passion they would like to inquire into. Throughout this process, students are supported by the team of Year 6 teachers as well as mentor teachers from across the school.


Exhibition culminates in a celebration where students exhibit their learning to the school community. Exhibition will be held on Wednesday 22 November 3.45 - 5.45. During the community exhibition, students share their learning journey and what they have learned about themselves as learners and a provocation created by each student which invites the school community to engage in a conversation about the issue the student is passionate about.


PYP Coordinator

Angela Houghton