Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Dear Families


This term has been particularly busy.  With the opening of Emmaus, the launch of our Little Dove school lunch program and School Validation, there has been little time to reflect.  Fortunately this final newsletter article for the term gives me a brief opportunity for rumination.


Firstly Emmaus has given our students so much this term.  It has hosted productions, provided specialist spaces for Art and Music, provided before and after school space, become the home for a dance school and provided a contemporary general learning space for our community.  The upgrade of the courts has reinvigorated the space.  I know the annual cost of bandaids will be less than previous years!


Secondly, our school lunch program has been very successful.  Last week we had a visitor from Catholic Education Tasmania.  He was very impressed with the quality of food and the setup, but what impressed him most was how the students cleaned up and took pride in the program.  I had been taking it for granted, but his comments helped highlight how far we have come in a term.  


Thirdly, the school Validation process, where the doors, both digital and physical, are thrown open to external validators to assess the progress of the school.  The process is a big team effort and I thank all in our community who were involved, including the Parish, staff, students, families and the John Paul II Catholic School Advisory Board.  We recently received the final Validation report, which I share with you below.  It highlights the journey of the school as we change with the community around us and work towards providing the best education for the children in our care.


Finally, there has been a bit of preparation going into our 40 year Celebration and Feast Day Concert.  With the amount of acts and students involved, I can only suggest that the event will be pure chaos, with a strong dash of joy!  Tickets are a must - please see the details below.






Kinder enrolments for 2025 are now open and we are filling up!  It might be an opportune time to remind any families or friends that are interested.  We have very strong interest, so it is likely we will have large numbers as per the demand this year. 


Anyone interested can pick up an enrolment pack from the office or just fill out this form:



Brendan Gill









Have you seen our Explore the Future brochure?  

There are so many wonderful projects taking place at JPII to further build a richer learning and school experience for our students and whole school community. Our new School Hall/Multi-Purpose Activity Centre is now open and buzzing with daily. We are now progressing to our new library build which will be amazing!

Download your copy of our new 'Explore the Future' brochure here.