Parents and Carers

Sharing your child’s education journey with parents and carers.

2024 Timetable Structure

From the start of Term 1, 2024, the structure of the timetable will be as shown below.

  1. On every Wednesday, Year 9 students will attend school from Periods 1 to 4 and finish school at 1:30 pm (lunch) and go home thereafter.
  2. Years 10, 11 and 12 students will continue to finish school at 12:30 pm (Period 4).
  3. Students are required to wear their full sports uniform on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Year 5 Open Day

On November 13, approximately 100 students from local primary schools attended our Year 5 Open Day. Students from Merrylands Public School, Hilltop Road Public School, Guildford West Public School, and Guildford Public School participated in a range of taster lessons from the different subjects, providing them insights into the high school experience.

Merrylands High School students leaders were instrumental in ensuring the day was successful by assisting with various activities and tasks on the day. The school congratulates and thanks all these students for their efforts and dedication in providing guidance and direction to the visiting Year 5 students and their supervising teachers, and for embodying our school values of being safe, respectful learners.

Getting Ready for High School in 2024

To assist parents, carers and students to get ready for high school in 2024, the Department of Education has put together a digital guide to help. It contains plenty of information, resources, tips, checklists and links to useful websites to make preparing for high school easier. The guide is also available in other languages, which can be downloaded below:

GUIDE: Getting ready for high school

A yearly calendar and a term planner for 2024 are also available for download to help parents, carers and students prepare for upcoming school events.

School Planner A4

School Planner A3

Parent Excursion to Granville TAFE and Western Sydney University

The Educational Pathways Program launched in 2020 as a pilot in 24 schools and has now grown to encompass over 148 schools across NSW. It aims to improve the education and career outcomes of students from NSW public high schools, by exposing them to the variety of vocational training and employment pathways available.

To strengthen the partnerships with our parents, an excursion was organised to offer them insights into these employment pathways. During the excursion, parents visited Granville TAFE and Western Sydney University that included information sessions about the courses and pathways available for their child.

School Holiday Activities at Merrylands High School

‘Share Our Space’ is a Department of Education program that runs during school holidays when outdoor facilities of public schools are open to the public for a wide range of activities. The activites below will be held at Merrylands High School. You do not need to live in the area nor attend Merrylands High School to join. They are free, but you must register beforehand as places are limited.

Wanderers Soccer Clinic

To keep children active, Cumberland City Council has organised free soccer clinics facilitated by the Western Sydney Wanderers at Merrylands High School.

  • Wednesday, 17 January, 2024
    • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • For children 5 to 10 years old
  • Wednesday, 24 January, 2024
    • 9:00 am – 10:30 am
    • For children 5 to 12 years old
  • Enclosed shoes must be worn, bring along a hat and drink bottle
  • Parents/guardian must be with their children for the entire duration of the clinic
  • One ticket per child (parents/guardian do not need a ticket

Register for a spot via the Cumberland City Council website.


This event is not affiliated with Merrylands High School. For information and enquiries, contact the organiser from Cumberland City Council on (02) 8757 9132.