There will be a planning meeting for any interested staff on Friday afternoon for all interested staff. We will be planning furniture etc, for the new building everyone is welcome especial specialist staff. Please bring your ideas, photos and any costings with you.
Secondary OT room
Secondary OT room
Gym - light filtering panels
Gym - light filtering panels
Secondary Staff collaboration space
Secondary Staff collaboration space
Facility News
Welcome to Term 4.
Housekeeping items for all staff:
Sand from the sandpits in PG 2 & PG 3 is once again ending up all over the surrounding area including pathways. Please encourage students to keep the sand in the sandpits as it is a slip hazard when on concrete paths or artificial grass.
Bus loop there has been a sink hole discovered in the bus loop. An area of the loop has been temporarily fenced to restrict access to the affected area. Please DON NOT move the bollards.
DO NOT throw rubbing into the Maintenance shed area. If you have large items to be disposed of, please enter in the Maintenance log & Jacob will collect them or place them in the big bin in the Primary parent carpark.