Primary SS News 


Teachers- when excursions are planned, remember you MUST log the excursion on SharePoint and on the School Locator.

Also, it is your responsibility to consider your Yard Duty before the excursion day. If you cannot arrange a swap, then you talk to me about it prior to the day. 


Maintenance Programs

Teachers, please ensure you have an UPDATED and relevant Maintenance Program on your wall for time when you may be absent. Recently, teachers have been absent, and the Maintenence program is no longer relevant to the student's learning needs.



The Primary Performance Rehearsal is on Monday 23rd October, and the concert is the following week. Keep practicing with your students to be ready for the big day.


Canine Comprehension 

George and Judy will be returning again term 4. Their visits will be from weeks 1 - 8 and happening on Thursdays, the same times as last term. 

 As it has been quite some time since George has been here, please revisit the social stories about how to pet George with your students. 

We will continue to use the timer to ensure that all students get at least 1 turn each and then assess how we are going for time to give students a shorter second turn. Can all classes please also have their wait, turn, finish charts ready when we enter the room as the session runs smoother this way.

Warmer weather

A reminder to ensure your students wear sunscreen and a hat outside as the weather warms up. Some students will need prompting and some help to remove their jumpers on a warm day. Also remember to keep yourselves sunsmart and model this to our students every day.



Is happening today! Please ensure your students wear a hat and sunscreen and supprot them to engage and have fun.



It is newsletter week, that means you will need to get your Student of the Week awards to Kay by Weddnesday so that they can go in the newsletter. It is Room 6's week to write a newsletter piece.



Look out for the email today with the Term 4 Assembly Roster attached.


CROCS Primary Excursion

The Primary sub school students are all going to the CROCS play centre to celebrate their year's acheivements. There is no cost to parents for this excursion.  The dates for this excursion are:

Monday 27th November for Rooms 1,2,3, and 6 . 

Tuesday 28th November for Rooms 4,5,7,8 and 9.