Year 5
EMC Transition Day
Year 5
EMC Transition Day
The Year 5 students went to EMC on Thursday 31st of August, for a transition day. While there we did Woodwork, Art, Science and P.E. Woodwork was an extremely different but exciting experience. We had to create boats by putting nails into pieces of wood and hammering them onto a big bit of wood shaped like the bottom of a boat. In Science, we learnt about the stabilisation of buildings and tried to create a stable building out of only paper cups, big ones and small ones and whoever got the tallest tower won. Also, the teacher did an experiment called elephant toothpaste. There were iPads showing different parts of the human body as well. Next in Ar, we did street art with popsicle stick fences. We used posca markers to create the street art. Then finally we did P.E. In P.E we did tug of war, dodge ball, city town and country and finally rabbit and rat. They were all really fun and it was a great day!